CTA Temático Workshop
March 5-6, 2018
São Paulo, Brazil
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together the members of the CTA FAPESP Tematico, in order to share scientific and technical knowledge. A general overview of the experiment status is going to be presented and the future activities of the group planned. The undergraduate and graduate students in the project are going to present the progress of their work. The time allocated for each presentation will allow a detailed discussion of the work, offering a unique opportunity for students to have a feedback on their work in a collaborative environment.
- Vitor de Souza (IFSC-USP)

- Rita de Cássia dos Anjos (UFPR)
- Luan Bonneau Arbeletche (Instituto de Física de São Carlos/IFSC/USP)
- Fernando Catalani (Escola de Engenharia de Lorena/EEL/USP)
- María Benito (IFT-UNESP)
- Humberto Martínez Huerta (Instituto de Física de São Carlos/IFSC/USP)
- Danielle Kaori Nakashima (Instituto de Física de São Carlos/IFSC/USP)
- Ekaterina Karukes (ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-UNESP)
- Rodrigo Guedes Lang (Instituto de Física de São Carlos/IFSC/USP)
- Marcelo Augusto Leigui de Oliveira (Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas/CCNH/UFABC)
- Carlos Jose Todero Peixoto (Escola de Engenharia de Lorena/EEL/USP)
- Douglas Roberto de Matos Pimentel (Instituto de Física/IF/USP)
- Gustavo de Araujo Rojas (Reitoria/REIT/UFSCAR)
- Edivaldo Moura Santos (Instituto de Física/IF/USP)
- Cibelle Celestino Silva (Instituto de Física de São Carlos/IFSC/USP)
- Luiz Vitor de Souza Filho (Instituto de Física de São Carlos/IFSC/USP)
- Aion da Escóssia Melo Viana (Instituto de Física de São Carlos/IFSC/USP)
Workshop Program
PDF version available here
Monday, March 5
14:00 Vitor de Souza: CTA and Temático Status
14:30 Humberto Martinez Huerta + Rodrigo Guedes Lang: “LIV in Astroparticle Physics”
15:10 Douglas Pimentel: “Studies on EBL modeling and AGN spectra attenuation”
15:40 Coffee-break
16:00 Marcelo Leigui: “Photon-ALPs conversions and the primary energy spectrum for CTA”
16:30 Fernando Catalani: “News from Lorena”
17:00 Closed Meeting of Temático Organization
Tuesday, March 6
9:00 Maria and Fabio Iocco: DM detection in the LMC
9:40 Ekaterina and Kaor: DM detection in Dwarf Galaxies
10:10 Aion Viana: “The Galactic center”
10:40 Coffee-break
11:00 Gustavo Rojas: “Outreach”.
11:30 Rita de Cássia dos Anjos: “Limites superiores de medidas de raios gama em supernovas”
12:00 Lunch
at room 2
14:00 Luan Arbeletche: “The influence of the hadronic interaction models in the detection of air showers by IACT”
14:30 Andres Giles: “Measuring Xmax with IACT”.
15:00 Fabio Iocco and Vitor de Souza: “Final remmarks”