Program on Nanophysics and Spintronics

During the period of February 24 – March 25, 2014,
Amnon Aharony and Ora Entin from the Ben Gurion University and Tel Aviv University will be organizing a program on nanophysics and spintronics at the ICTP-SAIFR.

Visitors during this period will include:
Enrique V. Anda (PUC/Rio de Janeiro)
Carlos Balseiro (Centro Atómico Bariloche)
Carlos Egues (USP Sâo Carlos)
Gerson J. Ferreira (Univ. Fed. Uberlândia)
Yara Galvao Gobato (Univ. Fed. São Carlos)
Belita Koiller (Univ. Fed. Rio de Janeiro)
Caio Lewenkopf (Univ. Fed. Fluminese)
Gilmar Marques (Univ. Fed. São Carlos)
Sergio Rezende (Univ. Fed. de Pernambuco)
Luis Dias da Silva (USP São Paulo)
Edson Vernek (Univ. Fed. Uberlândia)

On March 13-14 (Thursday and Friday), a two-day workshop on nanophysics and spintronics will be organized in the IFT-UNESP auditorium. The workshop will begin at 10:00 on Thursday and finish at 17:00 on Friday. The workshop is open to everybody, including graduate students, and limited funds are available for participants. For more information, contact, and if you would like to give a talk or present a poster, please contact Amnon Aharony at




Thursday, March 13

10:00 opening
10:15  Amnon Aharony (BGU and TAU) Spin filtering and mobile qubits
11:00  Sergio Machado Rezende (UFPE) Spin current phenomena: new impetus to spintronics
11:45  Belita Koiller (UFRJ) Enhanced valley splitting towards spin qubits in silicon
12:30 lunch
14:30 Yara Galvao Gobato (UFSCar) Spin injection in resonant tunneling diodes
15:15 Enrique V. Anda (PUC/Rio) Correlation and spin effect in transport in nanosystems
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Gerson J. Ferreira (UFU) Magnetically defined qubits on 3D topological insulators
17:15 Ora Entin-Wohlman (BGU and TAU) Thermopower in mesoscopic systems
18:00 Edson Vernek (UFU/USP Sao Carlos) Majorana fermions
19:30 Conference dinner

Friday, March 14

10:00 Caio Lewenkopf (UFF) Mesoscopic electronic transport in graphene
10:45 Luis Dias da Silva (USP São Paulo) Kondo effect in disordered graphene
11:30 Coffee break
12:00 Carlos Balseiro (Bariloche) Floquet topological insulation in graphene
12:45 lunch
15:00 Alexandre Rocha (IFT-UNESP) Spin-orbit effects in graphene with density functional theory
15:45 Alexander Punnoose (IFT-UNESP) Non-abelian spin-orbit gauge field: Localization and coulomb interaction effects
16:30 Discussions