International Neutrino Summer* School 2015
Start time: August 17, 2015
Ends on: August 28, 2015
Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Local Organizing Committee:
- Ricardo Gomes (IF-UFG, Goiás)
- Ernesto Kemp (IFGW-UNICAMP, São Paulo)
- Hélio da Motta (CBPF, Rio de Janeiro)
- Hiroshi Nunokawa (PUC, Rio de Janeiro)
- Orlando Peres (IFGW-UNICAMP, São Paulo)
- Rogerio Rosenfeld ** (IFT-UNESP/ ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo)
Scientific Program and Lecturers:
- Standard Model and Neutrino Mass Models: André de Gouvea (Northwestern University, USA)
- Neutrino Phenomenology: Boris Kayser (Fermilab, USA)
- Cosmology and Astrophysics: Pedro Holanda (IFGW-UNICAMP, Brazil)
- Accelerator Neutrinos: Kendall Mahn (Michigan State University, USA)
- Neutrino Cross Section: Kevin McFarland (University of Rochester, USA)
- Direct Mass Measurements: Susanne Mertens (LBNL, USA)
- Neutrino Detection: Kate Scholberg (Duke University, USA)
- Solar, Reactor & Atmospheric: Yifang Wang (IHEP-Beijing, China)
- Public Lecture: Marcelo Guzzo (IFGW-UNICAMP, Brazil)
Neutrinos are important in many areas of modern physics. They provide the best evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model, and are proving to be an invaluable tool in astrophysics and cosmology.
This school will deal with all aspects of neutrino physics and lectures will include experimental, phenomenological and theoretical developments. The target audience consists of young graduate or postdoctoral researchers in both theory and experiment. Additionally, there will be opportunities for students to work in groups addressing some of the main topics of neutrino physics. This school will be preceded by the NuFact workshop in Rio de Janeiro. There is no registration fee and limited funds are available for local and travel support of participants.
International Advisory Committee:
- João dos Anjos (CBPF)
- Marcela Carena (University of Chicago and Fermilab)
- Carlos Escobar (Fermilab)
- Deborah Harris** (Fermilab)
- Boris Kayser (Fermilab)
- Kevin McFarland (University of Rochester)
- Jorge Morfin (Fermilab)
- Paul Soler (University of Glasgow)
- Jim Strait (Fermilab)
- Wei Wang (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
- Renata Zukanovich Funchal (University of São Paulo)
- Jean Tran Thanh Van (ICISE, Vietnam)
* Northern Summer
** chair
ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR)
American Physical Society
List of Participants: Updated on August 11
School Program:
Satisfaction Survey
- André de Gouvea
- Boris Kaiser
- Deborah Harris
- Pedro Holanda
- Kendall Mahn
- Kevin McFarland
- Susanne Mertens
- Kate Scholberg
- Yifang Wang
- 20/08
- 21/08
- 22/08
- 24/08
- 25/08
- 26/08
- 27/08
- 28/08
Lectures Summary/Outlines:
– “The Standard Model and Beyond,” Series in High Energy Physics, Cosmology, and Graviation – Langacker (textbook)
– “Gauge Theories of the Strong, Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions,” Princeton University Press – Quigg (textbook)
– “Symmetries of the Standard Model,” hep-ph/0410370 – Willenbrock (TASI lectures)
– “Neutrinos Have Mass – So What?,” Mod. Phys. Lett. A19, 2799 (2004), hep-ph/0503086 – de Gouvêa (review article)
- Leptonic mixing and its role in leptonic weak interactions
- The physics of neutrino oscillation
- Important special cases of oscillation
- A summary, all in one place, of what we have learned from the oscillation (and other) data
- Major open questions about neutrinos and their roles in physics and astrophysics
- Majorana masses, the nature of Majorana neutrinos, and what the observation of neutrinoless double beta decay would tell us
- CP violation in neutrino physics, and leptogenesis as the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe
- The possible existence of light sterile neutrinos, non-standard neutrino interactions, and really wild neutrino behavior
While accelerator based neutrino sources are used to probe a wide range of physics, including dark matter and sterile neutrino searches, these sources are most commonly used for so-called ‘’long baseline’’ experiments, where an intense source of neutrinos is observed hundreds or thousands of kilometers away. Over this distance, neutrino oscillation occurs, and the event rate is used to make increasingly precise measurements of the atmospheric neutrino mass splitting and mixing angle. These lectures discuss the evolution of accelerator based experiments and the landscape of the physics these sources are sensitive to.
Accelerator-driven neutrino beams are tertiary beams; neutrinos are produced from the decay of pions and kaons, produced by protons striking a target. The lectures will describe the neutrino generating facilities around the world which host machines, and discuss practical considerations of the operation and simulation of the neutrino sources they produce. Future plans for new neutrino sources, “conventional” superbeams, new approaches to stopped pion beams, beta beams and neutrino factors will also be covered, including the challenges for each approach.
- “Magnetic Fingers’’ explanation of how magnetic horns work
- Sacha Kopp, Accelerator Neutrino Beams:
- Experiment pages include physics results and flux prediction publications
- MiniBooNE:
- T2K:
- NOvA:
- NBI (Neutrino Beamlines and Instrumentation) workshop series: Most recent, 2014:
Lecture 1
* Introductory material
* Motivation for studying neutrino interactions
* (Brief) phenomenology of interactions at low, intermediate and high energies
* Neutrino-electron scattering
* Structure of weak interaction applied
* Calculation of the scattering cross-section
* Application: measuring flux at MINERvA and DUNE
* Inverse muon decay and lepton mass effects
* Generalization to other targets: what can we learn from neutrino-electron scattering? What must change when target has structure
Lecture 2
* Neutrino-quark scattering and deep inelastic scattering
* Parton distributions and calculation of cross-sections
* Phenomenology of high energy cross-sections
* IF TIME: Massive final state leptons and hadrons
* CC and NC elastic scattering on free nucleons
* Nucleon form-factors
* Kinematics of CC and NC nucleon elastic scattering
* Measurements of quasi-elastic scattering and experimental “puzzles”
* Barely inelastic processes
* Baryon resonance production, in brief
* Transition to deep inelastic scattering and quark-hadron duality
Lecture 3
* Nuclear effects
* Nucleon kinematics inside the nucleus
* Final state interactions
* Multi-nucleon processes
* Application to quasi-elastic scattering and recent measurements. [A return to the “puzzles” of the previous lecture]
* Impacts on oscillation experiments
* IF TIME: Coherent elastic and inelastic neutrino-nucleus scattering
* Review of recent data
* Comments on neutrino interaction generators for oscillation experiments
* Low energy processes
* Inverse beta decay
* Neutrino-electron elastic scattering on bound electrons
* IF TIME: Ultra-high energy scattering
* Modifications to DIS phenomenology at ultra-high energies
* Improvements to data and theory we critically need for the future
* Summary
The knowledge of the absolute neutrino mass scale is an extremely important input parameter both for cosmological models and for the fundamental understanding of the nature of particle masses. So far, however, only a lower limit of 0.05 eV, provided by neutrino oscillation experiments, and an upper bound of 2 eV from direct neutrino mass experiments is limiting the allowed parameter range.
This course will give a recap of the theory of neutrino masses, but will mainly focus on experimental methods to measure the neutrino mass. In particular two complementary techniques based on single beta decay [1] and neutrinoless double beta decay (0nbb) [2] will be discussed. In single beta decay (e.g. 3H > 3He) an electron and an anti-neutrino are created, which statistically share the decay energy released in the decay. If the neutrino has a rest mass, it would carry away at least the energy corresponding to this rest mass. Consequently, a non-zero neutrino mass reduces the maximal energy of the electron and distorts the electron energy spectrum in the vicinity of the endpoint.
0nbb is a process that is predicted in many theories but has never been observed so far. The discovery of 0nbb would decisively proof that neutrinos are Majorana particles (i.e. their own antiparticle) and would allow the probing of the neutrino mass, as the half-life of the decay is proportional to the inverse neutrino mass squared.
In these lectures the physics of both techniques will be explained and an overview of the main experimental efforts in this field will be given. As an example for single and double beta decay experiments KATRIN [3, 4] and MAJORANA [5, 6] will be described in more detail.
1 G. Drexlin, V. Hannen, S. Mertens, C. Weinheimer: Current Direct Neutrino Mass Experiments; Advances in High Energy Physics, 2013 (2013), Article ID 293986,
2 F. T. Avignone III, S. R. Elliott, and J. Engel Double beta decay, Majorana neutrinos, and neutrino mass, Rev. Mod. Phys. 80, 481, (2008),
3 KATRIN Collaboration, FZKA Scientific Report 7090 (2004),
5 N. Abgrall et al. Advances in High Energy Physics, 2014, 365432, (2014)
This course will cover physics of neutrino detection and basics of common detection technologies for neutrinos in different energy regimes. I will begin with an overview of the physics of particle energy loss and general principles of particle detection. The remainder of the course will cover neutrino detector types and instances of specific detectors, over a wide range of energies, including: detectors for radioactive-source, reactor and solar neutrinos (~MeV), detectors for supernova and pion decay-at-rest neutrinos (~10’s of MeV), detectors for beam and atmospheric neutrinos (~GeV), and detectors for high-energy astrophysical neutrinos (~PeV).
Particle Data Group reviews:
Leo, Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments
Knoll, Radiation Detection and Measurement
A. Solar neutrino experiment: History, Standard Solar Neutrino model, past experiments: (Homestake, Gallex/SAGE, Kamiokande), SuperKamiokande, SNO, Borexino, Future experiments
B. Atmospheric neutrino experiments: History, flux model, past experiments: (IMB, Kamiokande), SuperKamiokande, Future experiments: HyperK, PINGU, INO
C. Reactor neutrino experiments: History, reactor neutrino spectrum, past experiments: (Chooz, Palo Verde, KamLAND), Daya Bay, RENO, Double Chooz, Future Exp.s: JUNO,
Magnetic moments: Texono, GEMMA, Reactor anomaly, sterile neutrinos
Additional Information:
Poster: Participants who are presenting poster MUST BRING THE POSTER PRINTED. The poster size should be at most 1,5m x 1m. Please do not bring hanging banner, only sticking poster.
Registration: ALL participants should register. The registration will be on August 17 at the institute from 9:30 to 10:45 am. You can find arrival instruction at
BOARDING PASS: All participants, whose travel has been provided or will be reimbursed by the institute, should bring the boarding pass upon registration, and collect an envelope to send the return boarding pass to the institute.
Accommodation: Participants whose accommodation has been provided by the institute will stay at The Universe Flat. Each participant whose accommodation has been provided by the institute has received the details on the accommodation individually by email.
Emergency number: 9 8233 8671 (from São Paulo city); +55 11 9 8233 8671 (from abroad), 11 9 8233 8671 (from outside São Paulo).
Ground transportation instructions:
Ground transportation from Guarulhos Airport to The Universe Flat
Ground transportation from Congonhas Airport to the Universe Flat
Ground transportation from The Universe Flat to the institute