School and Workshop on Dark Matter and Neutrino Detection

July 23 – August 3, 2018

São Paulo, Brazil




The fields of Dark Matter and Neutrino Physics have experienced a tremendous growth in interest recently and face many theoretical and experimental challenges. These two fields are deeply interconnected in many aspects, including the detection techniques. Neutrinos are an unavoidable background for Dark Matter detection and upcoming experiments will soon reach the so-called neutrino floor. On the other hand, sterile neutrinos are competitive Dark Matter candidates. Neutrinos provide a fertile ground to search for particle physics beyond the Standard Model, which could include a Dark Matter particle.

Despite their growing importance, in general, the physics students in South America and other countries are little exposed to these topics. The aim of the school is to introduce the students to the fields of particle Dark Matter and Neutrinos, share the excitement on model building and experiments, and prepare the new generations to contribute to this endeavor. The courses will provide a broad overview on the phenomenology and outstanding questions in these two fields and the detection methods that may shed light on these issues in the future.

The first week of the school  will be composed of theoretical courses and lectures, with time for discussion and practical activities. The second week will focus on detection methods and specific experiments, comprising courses and lectures, and with most of the afternoon dedicated to experimental work in small groups.

There is no registration fee and limited funds are available for travel and local expenses.

This activity will be followed by a workshop on the Agua Negra Deep Experiment Site (ANDES), a proposed facility in South America that could host both Dark Matter and neutrino experiments.

Local Organizing Committee:

  • Carla Bonifazi (IF-UFRJ, co-chair)
  • Edivaldo Moura Santos (USP)
  • Fabio Iocco (ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-UNESP)
  • Ricardo Gomes (UFG)
  • Martin Makler (CBPF, chair)

International Advisory Board:

  • Xavier Bertou (CAB, Argentina)
  • Osvaldo Civitarese (UNLP, Argentina)
  • Claudio Dib (USM, Chile)
  • Juan Estrada (Fermilab, USA)
  • Mayda Velasco (Northwestern/COFI, USA)

Satisfaction survey:

Courses, Seminars & Experiments

Description of Experiments

Videos and Files




Additional Information