Filmed at IFT-UNESP and Principia Institute during the ICTP-SAIFR 12th Anniversary Symposium, this 12-minute video produced and directed by Celina Lerner (ICTP-SAIFR) presents different perspectives on ICTP-SAIFR through interviews with distinguished physicists.

The seventh edition of the Perimeter-SAIFR-IFT Journeys into Theoretical Physics will take place from July 22–28. Top students will be offered master’s fellowships to spend one year in São Paulo and one year in the Perimeter Scholars International program, with all costs covered. The application deadline is May 18, 2024.

Each year since 2004, the ICTP-SAIFR Competition for Young Physicists offers cash prizes to the best undergraduate students selected through a written exam. The next edition will be on July 27, 2024. Candidates approved for the Journeys into Theoretical Physics school are automatically registered. Other candidates must apply until July 20, 2024.

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ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research

The ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR) is a South American regional center in the city of São Paulo created in a collaboration of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), the Instituto de Fisica Teorica (IFT) of São Paulo State University (UNESP) and the Sao Paulo Research Funding Agency (FAPESP). Its activities include seminars, minicourses, schools and workshops for graduate students and researchers in all areas related to theoretical physics, as well as outreach activities for the general public and for high-school students and teachers. The center has funding for short-term and long-term visitors as well as for postdoctoral and permanent researchers.

São Paulo International Schools on Theoretical Physics

School on Modeling Infectious Disease Dynamics
May 6-12, 2024

III Joint ICTP-SAIFR/ICTP-Trieste School on Particle Physics
June 24 – July 5, 2024

Second School on Dark Matter and Neutrino Detection
July 8-19, 2024

2024 Perimeter-SAIFR-IFT Journeys into Theoretical Physics
July 22-28, 2024

Cosmological History: from Gravitational Waves to Exoplanets
July 29 – August 9, 2024

 School on Water: From the Anomalies to the Biological and Technological Applications
September 2-7, 2024

School on Active Matter
September 30 – October 4, 2024

Second Quantum Computing School
October 7 -18, 2024

ICTP-SAIFR/ExoHad School on Few-Body Physics
October 21 – 25, 2024

School on Biological Physics across Scales: Pattern Formation
November 11-22, 2024

Third School on Data Science and Machine Learning
December 2-6, 2024


The Holography of Solitons
March 4-7, 2024

Minicourse on Gravitational Wave Detectors and Sources
April 4-8, 2024

Minicourse on Quantum Computing
April 8-10, 2024

Minicourse on fluid-dynamical models of heavy ion collisions
April 15-16, 2024

Minicourse on Light from the Neutrinos
May 9-14, 2024

Minicourse on perturbative and nonperturbative treatment of quantum gravity problems
May 20-24, 2024

Minicourse on open quantum systems: fundamentals, collisional models, and path integrals
July 1-5, 2024

Minicourse on precision gravity: from the LHC to LISA and ET
August 13-22, 2024

Minicourse on Gravitational Wave Probes of the Early Universe
September 3-10, 2024

Minicourse on Bayesian Machine Learning for Scientific Research
October 28 – November 1, 2024

Minicourse on disorder and dynamics in strongly correlated materials
November 4-8, 2024


ICTP-SAIFR 12th Anniversary Symposium: Physics for South America
February 18-20, 2024

2024 ICTP-SAIFR Council Meeting
February 21, 2024

APS/SAIFR Satellite March Meeting
March 5, 2024

APS/SAIFR Satellite April Meeting
April 5, 2024

São Paulo Research Group Meetings in Astro & Cosmo
April – November, 2024

14th International Workshop on Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions (NUINT 2024)
April 15-20, 2024

Workshop on Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks
May 13-17, 2024

São Paulo Meeting on Soft and Biological Matter
May 17, 2024

Bootstrap meets Integrability
June 10-14, 2024

Integrability in Gauge and String Theory (IGST)
June 17-21, 2024

III LASF4RI for HECAP Symposium: Update of the Strategic Plan
August 26-29, 2024

V Siembra-HoLAGrav Young Frontiers Meeting (online external)
September 23 – 25, 2024

Witnessing Quantum Aspects of Gravity in a Lab
September 23 – 27, 2024

3rd Symposium on Current Topics in Molecular Biophysics (CTMB3)
October 7-9, 2024

Third Brazilian Meeting of Science Communicators
November 15-17, 2024

Program on “Fundamental Physics meets Current and Future Facilities in Cosmology”
December 2-13, 2024


IV Escola de Verão ICTP-SAIFR para Jovens Físicos
January 15-20, 2024

IV Curso de Verão ICTP-SAIFR para Professores de Física de Ensino Médio
January 22-26, 2024

Ciência no Cinema
January – December, 2024

Clube do Livro Sci-SAIFR
February – December, 2024

ICTP-SAIFR Jogos de Física
March – November, 2024

Física Moderna para a Sala de Aula
March – November, 2024

Minicursos para Estudantes de Ensino Médio
March-December, 2024

Papos de Física
March – December, 2024

Ciclo de Palestras ICTP-SAIFR/Princípia: A Ciência do Cosmos, parte II
March, 2024

Módulos de Aulas para Estudantes de Ensino Médio
Abril-December, 2024

Preparação ICTP-SAIFR para Participação em Olimpíadas
Abril-December, 2024

Oficina ICTP-SAIFR para Jovens Físicos
June 22-23, 2024

Curso de Inverno ICTP-SAIFR para Jovens Físicos
July 16-20, 2024

ICTP-SAIFR Competition for Young Physicists
July 27, 2024