Start time: 10 December, 2012
Ends on: 14 December, 2012
Location: São Paulo
Venue: Memorial da America Latina
Local organizers:
Gustavo Burdman (IF-USP)
Ernesto Kemp (UNICAMP)
Magno V. T. Machado (UFRGS)
João R. Torres de Mello Neto (UFRJ)
Sergio F. Novaes (IFT-UNESP)
Leandro de Paula (UFRJ)
Rogerio Rosenfeld – Local chair (IFT-UNESP)
Description: SILAFAE is one of the most important and traditional events on High Energy Physicsin Latin America. Bringing together theorists and experimentalists to present the state-of-the-art of many different topics, it provides a major forum for the discussion of the latest developments in the field. It is a unique opportunity to exchange new ideas and to foster new collaborations.
International Scientific Committee:
Tere Dova (UNLP)
Daniel de Florian (UBA)
Esteban Roulet (Bariloche)
Nicolas Martinic (ULP)
João dos Anjos (CBPF)
María Beatriz Gay Ducati (UFRGS)
Rogerio Rosenfeld (IFT-UNESP)
Jorge Alfaro (PUC)
Marco A. Diaz (PUC)
Ivan Schmidt (UTFSM) |
Marta Losada (UAN)
Roberto Martinez (UNAL/Bogota)
Enrico Nardi (UAntioquia)
William Ponce (UAntioquia)
Angelina Diaz (AENTA)
Edgar Cifuentes (USAC)
Juan Carlos D’Olivo (ICN-UNAM)
Miguel A. Perez (Cinvestav)
Luis M. Villaseñor(UMSNH) |
Orlando Pereyra (UNI)
Puerto Rico:
Angel Lopez (UPR/Mayaguez)
Ramón Mendez Galain (URU)
Anamaria Font (UCV)
Alejandra Melfo (ULA)
Marleigh Sheaff (Wisconsin/Fermilab)
USA/Costa Rica:
John Swain (NEU) |
Invited plenary speakers include:
K. Akiba – LHCb Results
E. Aprile – Dark Matter Experiments
J. Bartels – Non-perturbative QCD
E. de la Cruz Burelo – Tevatron Milestones
A. Djouadi – Higgs Physics
G. Gelmini – Dark Matter Theory
B. Grinstein – Flavor and CP Violation |
T. Lasserre – Neutrino Experiments
R. Shellard- Auger Project Results
E. Pontón – Beyond the Standard Model
G. Salam – Perturbative QCD
J. Takahashi – LHC Heavy Ion Results
J. Valle – Neutrino Theory |
ATLAS: F. Monticelli – Higgs results
CMS- X. Janssen – Higgs results
ATLAS/CMS- F. Yumiceva – Exotica results
ATLAS/CMS: C. Escobar – Heavy flavor results
ATLAS/CMS- L. Sulak – QCD results
ATLAS/CMS: M. Dova – SUSY results |
Registration fee: R$ 150,00 for students, and R$ 300,00 for all others. The registration fee includes coffee break and lunch and will be collected in cash upon arrival at the conference.
Registration Deadline: October 1, 2012

Accommodation: Hotel Recommendations
Ground Transportation