ICTP-SAIFR Symposium on Theoretical Physics

February 5, 2020

São Paulo, Brazil



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On Wednesday, February 5, five outstanding physicists and ICTP-SAIFR council members will present seminars in the areas of string theory, statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, neutrino physics and general relativity. There will be no application form for this activity and everyone is welcome to participate. For more information, send email to secretary@ictp-saifr.org .


9:45 Modular invariance in N=4 SUSY Yang-Mills correlation functions and type IIB superstring amplitudes
Michael Green (Cambridge Univ.)

10:45 Exotic states of matter at room temperature in out-of-equilibrium liquid crystal cell
Marcel Clerc (Univ. de Chile, Santiago)

11:45 Quantum time crystals
Rosario Fazio (ICTP, Trieste)

14:15 Determining the nature of neutrinos: Majorana versus Dirac
André de Gouvêa (Northwestern Univ., Evanston)

15:15 Beyond GR, addressing (some) challenges
Luis Lehner (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo)





Videos and Files

Michael Green (Cambridge Univ.): Modular invariance in N=4 SUSY Yang-Mills correlation functions and type IIB superstring amplitudes – Slide

Marcel Clerc (Univ. de Chile, Santiago): Exotic states of matter at room temperature in out-of-equilibrium liquid crystal cellSlide

Rosario Fazio (ICTP, Trieste): Quantum time crystalsSlide

André de Gouvêa (Northwestern Univ., Evanston): Determining the nature of neutrinos: Majorana versus DiracSlide

Luis Lehner (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo): Beyond GR, addressing (some) challengesSlide