School on Modelling Infectious Disease Dynamics

May 6 – 12, 2024

ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil

IFT-UNESP Auditorium


The recent COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the power of modeling to support policymaking. However, most South American countries lack capacity in the field of modeling. This seven-day school will address how modeling allows us to use the health resources we currently have more efficiently, increasing their impact, improving people’s well-being, and saving lives as a result. The school includes a course on epidemic models, on numerical treatment of models and on epidemiological data analysis, and will be focused on group work involving “hands-on” modeling challenges. There will be classes in the morning and group projects in the afternoon. Participants from all areas related to the subject are welcome to apply. Knowledge of basic differential calculus is required.

There is no registration fee and limited funds are available for travel and local expenses.


  • Marcus Aguiar (Unicamp)
  • Renato Coutinho (UFABC)
  • Marcelo Ferreira da Costa Gomes (Fiocruz/RJ)
  • Roberto Kraenkel (IFT-UNESP)

List of participants: Updated on May 08, 2024.

Survery: HERE




  • Roberto Kraenkel (IFT-UNESP): Compartmental Models for Infectious Disease Dynamics
  • Marcelo Ferreira da Costa Gomes (Fiocruz/RJ): Epidemiological Data Analysis
  • Renato Coutinho (UFABC): Numerical Methods
  • Guillaume Le Treut (Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, San Francisco): Dealing with Complexity in Epidemiological Models



Application is now closed


PDF version: Updated – April 26


Videos and Files

2024-05-06 2024-05-07 2024-05-08 2024-05-09 2024-05-10 2024-05-11 2024-05-12
  • 09:00 - ICTP-SAIFR (ICTP - SAIFR): Group Presentations




School on Modeling Infectious Disease Dynamics

Additional Information

Registration: ALL participants should register. The registration will be on May 6 (Monday) from 8:00:hh AM to 9:00 AM on the 4th floor of the IFT-Unesp Building. See arrival instructions: here.

BOARDING PASS: All participants, whose travel has been provided or will be reimbursed by ICTP-SAIFR, should bring the boarding pass  upon registration. The return boarding pass (PDF, if online check-in, scan or picture, if physical) should be sent to by e-mail.

COVID-19: Brazilians and foreigners no longer have to present proof of vaccination before entering the country.

Visa information: Nationals from several countries in Latin America and Europe are exempt from tourist visa. Nationals from Australia, Canada and USA are exempt from tourist visa until April 10, 2024. Please check here which nationals need a tourist visa to enter Brazil.

Accommodation: Participants, whose accommodation will be provided by the institute, will stay at The Universe Flat. Hotel recommendations are available here.

How to reach the Institute: The school will be held at ICTP South American Institute, located at IFT-UNESP, which is across the street from a major bus and subway terminal (Terminal Barra Funda). The address which is closer to the entrance of the IFT-UNESP building is R. Jornalista Aloysio Biondi, 120 – Barra Funda, São Paulo. The easiest way to reach us is by subway or bus, please find instructions here.