
School: June 5-13, 2023, Workshop: June 14-17, 2023

São Paulo, Brazil



The AdS/CFT correspondence, first proposed by Juan Maldacena in 1997, relates non-gravitational theories with a gravitational theory in a higher dimension, the correspondence being holographic in nature. Since it is a non-perturbative duality, such that a weakly coupled model on one side corresponds to a strongly coupled (hard to solve) one on the other, it has been applied to understand a multitude of interesting strongly coupled problems in various areas of theoretical physics. The various areas represented at the Holography@25 event will include: formal aspects, definition and tests; applications to QCD and nuclear physics; applications to condensed matter theory; applications to black holes, information, chaos and complexity; and applications to integrability.

The Holography@25 event will take place at the ICTP-SAIFR in São Paulo, Brazil, and will include a School (June 5-13, 2023) for graduate students and a Workshop (June 14-17, 2023) for researchers. The event will be preceded by an introductory minicourse on AdS-CFT which can be attended online or in the IFT-UNESP auditorium. The AdS/CFT correspondence, generalized to gauge/gravity duality, or in one word, holography, has become an important tool of theoretical physics, and it is the purpose of the School to familiarize the participants with its methods and applications. The School will be followed by a 4-day workshop celebrating the 25th anniversary of the birth of the AdS/CFT correspondence and will bring together researchers who will describe new advances from all the areas of the correspondence discussed at the School.

There is no registration fee and candidates may apply either for one or both activities.


  • Horatiu Nastase (IFT-UNESP, Brazil)
  • Carlos Nunez (Swansea University, UK)
  • Diego Trancanelli (IF-USP, Brazil and Modena University, Italy)

List of Participants: Updated on June 19, 2023

Titles and abstracts: Click HERE



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