School on Light and Cold Atoms
March 6-17, 2023
São Paulo, Brazil

Progress made during the past four decades in techniques for producing and controlling cold matter gave rise to the experimental manipulation of quantum gases, exotic states of matter, and the implementation of quantum simulators for condensed matter Hamiltonians. In addition, progress in the production and manipulation of quantum states of light and the suppression of classical noise allowed for the emergence and control of special coherence properties and quantum statistics, for both matter and light. These developments brought the fields of quantum optics and ultracold matter closer to applications, for example, in quantum sensing and quantum information processing. This common field of research represents today a privileged platform for fundamental discoveries of non-classical properties of light and matter, and an incubator of new quantum technologies.
This school aims at training PhD students, post-docs and outstanding master students in the physics of optics and cold atoms, introducing them to the basics, and familiarizing them with applications in modern technologies.
This activity will be followed by the “Workshop on Low Dimensional Quantum Gases“. Candidates may apply either for one or both activities.
There is no registration fee and limited funds are available for travel and local expenses.
In order to have an idea of the kind of activities that take place during the course, please visit the homepages of the previous editions of this school at cold atoms 2017 and cold atoms 2019
- Romain Bachelard (UFSCar, Brazil)
- Patrícia Christina Marques Castilho (IFSC-USP, Brazil)
- Mathilde Hugbart (Institut de Physique de Nice, France)
- Raul Celistrino Teixeira (UFSCar, Brazil)
Satisfaction survey:
- Click HERE
Philippe W Courteille (IFSC-USP, Brazil): Basics on light-atom interaction, laser cooling and trapping
- Lucas Madeira (IFSC-USP, Brazil): Numerical solutions of Schrödinger’s equation applied to atomic physics
- Marcelo Martinelli (IFUSP – USP, Brazil): Building quantum machines with light
Gabriele Ferrari (University of Trento, Italy): Bose Gases
Eric Akkermans (Technion, Israel): Mesoscopic physics of photons
Joseph Thywissen (University of Toronto, Canada): Optical lattices
Frédéric Chevy (École Normale Supérieure-Paris, France): BEC-BCS crossover
Poster presentations
List of abstracts: PDF updated on March 3, 2023
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 – 16:00
- Patrícia Abrantes: Probing topological phase transitions in the graphene family via quantum reflection
- Matheus Aleluia: Photon’s pairs properties generated by spontaneous parametric down-conversion in crystals pumped by vector beams
- Cesar Amaral: New regimes in cavity QED with trapped ions
- Lucas Andrade: Spatial coherence map of spins using NV centers in diamonds
- Adriano Braga Barreto: Decoding Black Hole Quantum Phenomena: Correspondences with quantum optics processes
- Mateus Biscassi: From classical to quantum loss of light coherence
- Muriel Bonetto: Thermometry in ion crystals
- Gustavo Café: Enhanced Control in NMR-Based Quantum Computing
- Mateo Londoño Castellanos: Optimization of a multi-step control scheme for the vibrational stabilization of diatomic molecules
- Nicolás Vera Castillo: Optical characterization of defects in hexagonal boron nitride monolayers
- Pablo Gabriel Santos Dias: First-order correlation function of the light from quantum scattererers
- Robert Paul Guzman Estrada: Complex vector light fields propagation in atomic systems
- Gustavo Henrique de França: Saturation-induced Bistability in Strontium Atoms interaction with an optical cavity
- Pedro Henrique: Four-wave mixing with Hermite-Gauss modes in Rubidium vapor
- Henrique Ghizoni: Scattering Quantum Walks in Planar Hexagonal Dirac Materials: The Parametrization of the SU(3) Approach
- Joás Jardim: The Wave Functions of the Photon
- Larissa Inacio: The longitudinal component of the Casimir interaction between spheres
- Eduardo Lima: Source of Polarization Squeezed States – Single Passage Through a Kerr Medium
- Felipe Gomez Lozada: Insulator Phases of Bose-Fermi mixtures induced by next-neighbor interactions between fermions
- Matheus do Amaral Martins: Implementation of an optical accordion for bosonic strontium atoms
Tuesday, March 14, 2023 – 16:00
- Guilherme Costa Matos: Quantum Vacuum Sagnac Effect
- Théo L. Meireles: Four-mode Entanglement Out of Two Beams: the Four-Wave Mixing Case
- Leon Mixa: Enhancing exotic quantum fluctuations in strongly entangled cavity-BEC systems
- Ossamy Okura: Dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates in a bubble trap
- Gourab Pal: Quantum many body dynamics in ultracold gas mixture in structured light created using MEMS device
- Claudio Alves Pessoa Junior: Inertial Quantum Sensing with Strontium Atom
- Clarissa Pinheiro: Bose-Einstein condensates in bubble traps
- Luís Pires: Optimal time-entropy bounds and speed limits for Brownian thermal shortcuts
- Marcus Vinícius Alves Prado: Probing the spatial and temporal decay of quasimodes in open Vogel spirals via localization maps
- Paramjeet: Effective potentials in a rotating spin-orbit-coupled spin-1 spinor condensate
- Gabriel Couto Rickli: Reducing phase noise of on-chip optical parametric oscillators
- Leonardo Brito da Silva: Stability of a Bose-Einstein condensate mixture on a bubble trap
- Levi Silva: Low-lying Excitations of Dipolar Fermi Gases
- Grover David Andrade Sanchez: Potencial and Feshbach s-wave resonances in coupled atomic collision channels
- Gessineide Sousa: Frequency redistribution on the fluorescence of an atomic vapor
- Sabari Subramaniyan: Dynamics of vortices in dipolar BECs with circularly moving potential
- Daniel Martínez Tibaduiza: Quantum-based solution of time-dependent complex Riccati equations
- Lucía Velazco: Detection of Rydberg atoms in a dipole trap using EIT spectroscopy.
- Nicolas Vera: Conditions for an atomic Bragg mirror around an optical nanofiber
- Fernando Villanueva: Spectral broadening and compression of green femtosecond pulses
Student presentations - suggested papers
School Program: PDF updated on March 9, 2023
Videos and Files
- 14:00 - Frédéric Chevy (École Normale Supérieure-Paris): Quantum many-body physics with ultracold atoms: Sailing the quantum seas
09:00 - Students (Presentations):
School on Light and Cold Atoms - Group Presentations: Part 1
11:00 - Students (Presentations):
School on Light and Cold Atoms - Group Presentations: Part 2
- 14:00 - Joseph Thywissen (University of Toronto, Canada): Optical lattices - Class 2 of 3
- 16:00 - Eric Akkermans (Technion, Israel): Mesoscopic physics of photons - Class 1 of 3
- 09:00 - Marcelo Martinelli (IFUSP – USP, Brazil): Building quantum machines with light - Class 1 of 5
- 11:00 - Lucas Madeira (IFSC-USP, Brazil): Numerical solutions of Schrödinger’s equation applied to atomic physics - Class 1 of 4
- 14:00 - Joseph Thywissen (University of Toronto, Canada): Optical lattices - Class 3 of 3
- 16:00 - Eric Akkermans (Technion, Israel): Mesoscopic physics of photons - Class 2 of 3
- 09:00 - Eric Akkermans ( Technion, Israel): Mesoscopic physics of photons - Class 3 of 3
- 11:00 - Marcelo Martinelli (IFUSP – USP, Brazil): Building quantum machines with light - Class 2 of 5
- 14:00 - Joseph Thywissen (University of Toronto): Orbital interactions between strongly confined fermions
16:00 - Lucas Madeira (IFSC-USP, Brazil):
Numerical solutions of Schrödinger’s equation applied to atomic physics - Class 2 of 4
- 09:00 - Marcelo Martinelli (IFUSP – USP, Brazil): Building quantum machines with light - Class 3 of 5
- 11:00 - Lucas Madeira (IFSC-USP, Brazil): Numerical solutions of Schrödinger’s equation applied to atomic physics - Class 3 of 4
- 14:00 - Marcelo Martinelli (IFUSP – USP, Brazil): Building quantum machines with light - Class 4 of 5
09:00 - Marcelo Martinelli (IFUSP – USP, Brazil):
Building quantum machines with light - Class 5 of 5
14:00 - Lucas Madeira (IFSC-USP, Brazil):
Numerical solutions of Schrödinger’s equation applied to atomic physics - Class 4 of 4
Additional Information
Registration: ALL participants should register. The registration will be on March 06 (Monday) at the Institute Principia (Rua Pamplona 145, next to the hotel), from 09:00 am to 10:00 am.
List of Participants: Updated on March 16, 2023
BOARDING PASS: All participants, whose travel has been provided or will be reimbursed by ICTP-SAIFR, should bring the boarding pass upon registration. The return boarding pass (PDF, if online check-in, scan or picture, if physical) should be sent to by e-mail.
Poster presentation: Participants who are presenting a poster MUST BRING A BANNER PRINTED. The banner size should be at most 1 m (width) x 1,5 m (length). We do not accept A4 or A3 paper. Click here to see what a banner looks like:
Visa information: Nationals from several countries in Latin America and Europe, Australia, Canada, Japan and USA are exempt from tourist visa. Please check here which nationals need a tourist visa to enter Brazil.
Accommodation: Participants, whose accommodation will be provided by the institute, will stay at The Universe Flat. Hotel recommendations are available here
How to reach the Institute: The school will be held at ICTP South American Institute, located at IFT-UNESP, which is across the street from a major bus and subway terminal (Terminal Barra Funda). The address which is closer to the entrance of the IFT-UNESP building is R. Jornalista Aloysio Biondi, 120 – Barra Funda, São Paulo. The easiest way to reach us is by subway or bus, please find instructions here.
COVID-19: Fully vaccinated Brazilians and foreigners are required to present proof of vaccination, printed or electronically before boarding an international flight. Not vaccinated and not fully vaccinated passengers have to present a medical certificate with a negative test result before entering the country. Tests should be taken up to 24 hours before boarding.