School on Nonlinear Dynamics, Complex Networks, Information Theory and Machine Learning in Neuroscience
May 22-26, 2023
São Paulo, Brazil

To better understand complex phenomena in neuroscience that occur at a wide range of scales (from the dynamics of single neurons in vitro neuronal cultures to the whole brain), appropriate models, experimental techniques and data analysis techniques are needed.
This school for PhD students and young postdocs will focus on five main areas: nonlinear dynamics, complex networks, data analysis, information theory and machine learning. The school will cover fundamental and applied aspects such as excitability and neuronal dynamics, neural coding, entropy and complexity measures, machine learning and data analysis methods for inferring functional connectivity, methods for characterizing functional networks, etc.
A “student’s presentation” session will be organized on Monday afternoon, where participants will have 3 min to present themselves and explain their research topic. At the end of the school, participants will present group projects based on the tools learned in the school. Besides the lectures, tutored sessions and discussions will be organized to help participants with the development of the group projects.
There is no registration fee and limited funds are available for travel and local expenses.
Satisfaction survey:
- Click HERE
- Ana Amador (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina): Nonlinear dynamics of neuronal models with applications to bird song dynamics
- Cristina Masoller (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain): Time series analysis tools with applications to neuroscience
- Jesús Gomez-Gardeñes (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain): Complex networks and applications to neuroscience and IFT-Colloquium: Network epidemiology: A complex systems’ approach towards epidemic control
- Osvaldo A. Rosso (Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil): Information theory tools for neuroscience applications
- Jordi Soriano (Universidad de Barcelona, Spain): Structure-to-function relationship in neuronal cultures: applications to biological machine learning and reservoir computing
- Hilda Cerdeira (IFT-UNESP, Brazil)
- Jesús Gomez-Gardeñes (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)
- Cristina Masoller (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
List of Participants: Updated on May 29, 2023
School Program: PDF updated on May 12, 2023
Videos and Files
Complementary material – Here
2023-05-22- 09:30 - Cristina Masoller (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain): Time series analysis tools with applications to neuroscience - Class 1 of 3
- 11:00 - Ana Amador (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina): Nonlinear dynamics of neuronal models with applications to bird song dynamics - Class 1 of 3
- 12:00 - Jesús Gomez-Gardeñes (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain): Complex networks and applications to neuroscience. - Class 1 of 3
14:30 - Jordi Soriano (Universidad de Barcelona, Spain):
Structure-to-function relationship in neuronal cultures: applications to biological machine learning and reservoir computing - Class 1 of 3
- 09:30 - Cristina Masoller (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain): Time series analysis tools with applications to neuroscience - Class 2 of 3
- 11:00 - Ana Amador (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina): Nonlinear dynamics of neuronal models with applications to bird song dynamics - Class 2 of 3
- 12:00 - Jesús Gomez-Gardeñes (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain): Complex networks and applications to neuroscience. - Class 2 of 3
09:30 - Jordi Soriano (Universidad de Barcelona, Spain):
Structure-to-function relationship in neuronal cultures: applications to biological machine learning and reservoir computing - Class 2 of 3
- 11:00 - Jesús Gomez-Gardeñes (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain): Complex networks and applications to neuroscience. - Class 3 of 3
- 12:00 - Osvaldo A. Rosso (Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil): Information theory tools for neuroscience applications - Class 1 of 3
- 14:00 - Jesús Gomez-Gardeñes (Universidad de Zaragoza): Network epidemiology: A complex systems' approach towards epidemic control
- 09:30 - Cristina Masoller (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain): Time series analysis tools with applications to neuroscience - Class 3 of 3
11:00 - Osvaldo A. Rosso (Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil):
Information theory tools for neuroscience applications - Class 2 of 3
- 12:00 - Ana Amador (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina): Nonlinear dynamics of neuronal models with applications to bird song dynamics - Class 3 of 3
09:30 - Jordi Soriano (Universidad de Barcelona, Spain):
Structure-to-function relationship in neuronal cultures: applications to biological machine learning and reservoir computing - Class 3 of 3
11:00 - Osvaldo A. Rosso (Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil):
Information theory tools for neuroscience applications - Class 3 of 3
Additional Information
Registration: ALL participants should register. The registration will be on May 22 (Monday) at the Institute from 08:30 am to 09:30 am.
List of Participants: Updated on May 17, 2023
BOARDING PASS: All participants, whose travel has been provided or will be reimbursed by ICTP-SAIFR, should bring the boarding pass upon registration. The return boarding pass (PDF, if online check-in, scan or picture, if physical) should be sent to by e-mail.
Student presentations: Participants have to prepare a short speech of 3-4 minutes long for introducing their background and current work/interests. Please send your slides (max 4 slides) to, so they are on the computer and ready for presentation.
COVID-19: Fully vaccinated Brazilians and foreigners are required to present proof of vaccination, printed or electronically before boarding an international flight. Not vaccinated and not fully vaccinated passengers have to present a medical certificate with a negative test result before entering the country. Tests should be taken up to 24 hours before boarding.
Visa information: Nationals from several countries in Latin America and Europe are exempt from tourist visa. Nationals from Australia, Canada, Japan and USA are exempt from tourist visa until October 1st, 2023.
Accommodation: Participants, whose accommodation will be provided by the institute, will stay at The Universe Flat. Hotel recommendations are available here.
How to reach the Institute: The school will be held at ICTP South American Institute, located at IFT-UNESP, which is across the street from a major bus and subway terminal (Terminal Barra Funda). The address which is closer to the entrance of the IFT-UNESP building is R. Jornalista Aloysio Biondi, 120 – Barra Funda, São Paulo. The easiest way to reach us is by subway or bus, please find instructions here.