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International Neutrino Summer* School 2015

Written by Nathan on August 29th, 2014. Posted in


Start time: August 17, 2015

Ends on: August 28, 2015

Location: São Paulo, Brazil


Local Organizing Committee:

  • Ricardo Gomes (IF-UFG, Goiás)
  • Ernesto Kemp (IFGW-UNICAMP, São Paulo)
  • Hélio da Motta  (CBPF, Rio de Janeiro)
  • Hiroshi Nunokawa (PUC, Rio de Janeiro)
  • Orlando Peres (IFGW-UNICAMP, São Paulo)
  • Rogerio Rosenfeld ** (IFT-UNESP/ ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo)

Scientific Program and Lecturers:

  • Standard Model and Neutrino Mass Models: André de Gouvea (Northwestern University, USA)
  • Neutrino Phenomenology: Boris Kayser (Fermilab, USA)
  • Cosmology and Astrophysics: Pedro Holanda (IFGW-UNICAMP, Brazil)
  • Accelerator Neutrinos: Kendall Mahn (Michigan State University, USA)
  • Neutrino Cross Section: Kevin McFarland (University of Rochester, USA)
  • Direct Mass Measurements: Susanne Mertens (LBNL, USA)
  • Neutrino Detection: Kate Scholberg (Duke University, USA)
  • Solar, Reactor & Atmospheric: Yifang Wang (IHEP-Beijing, China)
  • Public Lecture: Marcelo Guzzo (IFGW-UNICAMP, Brazil)

Neutrinos are important in many areas of modern physics. They provide the best evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model, and are proving to be an invaluable tool in astrophysics and cosmology.
This school will deal with all aspects of neutrino physics and lectures will include experimental, phenomenological and theoretical developments. The target audience consists of young graduate or postdoctoral researchers in both theory and experiment. Additionally, there will be opportunities for students to work in groups addressing some of the main topics of neutrino physics. This school will be preceded by the NuFact workshop in Rio de Janeiro. There is no registration fee and limited funds are available for local and travel support of participants.

International Advisory Committee:

  • João dos Anjos (CBPF)
  • Marcela Carena (University of Chicago and Fermilab)
  • Carlos Escobar (Fermilab)
  • Deborah Harris** (Fermilab)
  • Boris Kayser (Fermilab)
  • Kevin McFarland (University of Rochester)
  • Jorge Morfin (Fermilab)
  • Paul Soler (University of Glasgow)
  • Jim Strait (Fermilab)
  • Wei Wang (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
  • Renata Zukanovich Funchal (University of São Paulo)
  • Jean Tran Thanh Van (ICISE, Vietnam)

* Northern Summer

** chair

ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR)
American Physical Society





List of Participants: Updated on August 11

School Program:

Satisfaction Survey





Lectures Summary/Outlines:


Standard Model and Neutrino Mass Models: André de Gouvea (Northwestern University)
I will provide a general overview of the different components of the standard model of particle physics, including its particle content, interactions, and symmetries, along with its modern short-comings. I will discuss the significance of nonzero neutrino masses, identifying the ingredients necessary in order to augment the standard model in order to accommodate them. I will also discuss potential consequences of the different ideas for the physics behind nonzero neutrino masses, and some of what we can hope to learn in the near future.A Few References (a very small subset):- “Dynamics of the Standard Model,” Cambridge Monographs on Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, and Cosmology – Donoghue, Golowich, Holstein (textbook)
– “The Standard Model and Beyond,” Series in High Energy Physics, Cosmology, and Graviation – Langacker (textbook)
– “Gauge Theories of the Strong, Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions,” Princeton University Press – Quigg (textbook)
– “Symmetries of the Standard Model,” hep-ph/0410370 – Willenbrock (TASI lectures)
– “Neutrinos Have Mass – So What?,” Mod. Phys. Lett. A19, 2799 (2004), hep-ph/0503086 – de Gouvêa (review article)
Cosmology and Astrophysics: Pedro Holanda (IFGW-UNICAMP)
Neutrinos are the most abundant particle in the Universe, after photons, and in primordial times they represented ~40% of its energetic content. Due to the fact that they are very light particles, they have made the transition to a non-relativistic regime in recent times. Due to these characteristics, cosmological neutrinos leave a very clear signature in several cosmological observables, like the effective number of relativistic degrees of freedom in primordial universe, cosmic microwave background asymmetries and the matter power spectrum. From the analysis of such observables, the most stringent limit in the sum of neutrino mass is obtained, and constraints in number of neutrino families and non-standard interactions are established.In the extreme opposite of energy spectrum, very-high energy coming from astrophysical sources are being detected in IceCube experiment, the first neutrino telescope that successfully detected neutrinos generated outside our solar system (beside those from SN1987A). Together with Antares, these two Neutrino Telescopes started a research program that uses neutrinos as the probe for astrophysics objects.In these lectures the main aspects of neutrino cosmology and astrophysics will be addressed in a pedagogical way, and hopes to provide the main ingredients to reproduce the most important results in the field.Bibliography:- Massive neutrinos and cosmology, Julien Lesgourgues and Sergio Pastor, Phys.Rept. 429 (2006) 307-379. doi:10.1016/j.physrep.2006.04.001– Fundamentals of Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Carlo Giunti, ‎Chung W. Kim (textbook).- Observation of High-Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos in Three Years of IceCube Data, IceCube Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 101101 (2014). 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.101101– Searches for Point-like and extended neutrino sources close to the Galactic Centre using the ANTARES neutrino Telescope, ANTARES Collaboration,  arXiv:1402.6182.
Neutrino Phenomenology: Boris Kayser (Fermilab)
  • Leptonic mixing and its role in leptonic weak interactions
  • The physics of neutrino oscillation
  • Important special cases of oscillation
  • A summary, all in one place, of what we have learned from the oscillation (and other) data
  • Major open questions about neutrinos and their roles in physics and astrophysics
  • Majorana masses, the nature of Majorana neutrinos, and what the observation of neutrinoless double beta decay would tell us
  • CP violation in neutrino physics, and leptogenesis as the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe
  • The possible existence of light sterile neutrinos, non-standard neutrino interactions, and really wild neutrino behavior
Accelerator Neutrinos: Kendall Mahn (Michigan State University)

While accelerator based neutrino sources are used to probe a wide range of physics, including dark matter and sterile neutrino searches, these sources are most commonly used for so-called ‘’long baseline’’ experiments, where an intense source of neutrinos is observed hundreds or thousands of kilometers away. Over this distance, neutrino oscillation occurs, and the event rate is used to make increasingly precise measurements of the atmospheric neutrino mass splitting and mixing angle. These lectures discuss the evolution of accelerator based experiments and the landscape of the physics these sources are sensitive to.

Accelerator-driven neutrino beams are tertiary beams; neutrinos are produced from the decay of pions and kaons, produced by protons striking a target. The lectures will describe the neutrino generating facilities around the world which host machines, and discuss practical considerations of the operation and simulation of the neutrino sources they produce. Future plans for new neutrino sources, “conventional” superbeams, new approaches to stopped pion beams, beta beams and neutrino factors will also be covered, including the challenges for each approach.



Neutrino Cross Section: Kevin McFarland (University of Rochester)

Lecture 1

* Introductory material
* Motivation for studying neutrino interactions
* (Brief) phenomenology of interactions at low, intermediate and high energies
* Neutrino-electron scattering
* Structure of weak interaction applied
* Calculation of the scattering cross-section
* Application: measuring flux at MINERvA and DUNE
* Inverse muon decay and lepton mass effects
* Generalization to other targets: what can we learn from neutrino-electron scattering? What must change when target has structure

Lecture 2

* Neutrino-quark scattering and deep inelastic scattering
* Parton distributions and calculation of cross-sections
* Phenomenology of high energy cross-sections
* IF TIME: Massive final state leptons and hadrons
* CC and NC elastic scattering on free nucleons
* Nucleon form-factors
* Kinematics of CC and NC nucleon elastic scattering
* Measurements of quasi-elastic scattering and experimental “puzzles”
* Barely inelastic processes
* Baryon resonance production, in brief
* Transition to deep inelastic scattering and quark-hadron duality

Lecture 3

* Nuclear effects
* Nucleon kinematics inside the nucleus
* Final state interactions
* Multi-nucleon processes
* Application to quasi-elastic scattering and recent measurements. [A return to the “puzzles” of the previous lecture]
* Impacts on oscillation experiments
* IF TIME: Coherent elastic and inelastic neutrino-nucleus scattering
* Review of recent data
* Comments on neutrino interaction generators for oscillation experiments
* Low energy processes
* Inverse beta decay
* Neutrino-electron elastic scattering on bound electrons
* IF TIME: Ultra-high energy scattering
* Modifications to DIS phenomenology at ultra-high energies
* Improvements to data and theory we critically need for the future
* Summary

Direct Mass Measurements: Susanne Mertens (LBNL)

The knowledge of the absolute neutrino mass scale is an extremely important input parameter both for cosmological models and for the fundamental understanding of the nature of particle masses. So far, however, only a lower limit of 0.05 eV, provided by neutrino oscillation experiments, and an upper bound of 2 eV from direct neutrino mass experiments is limiting the allowed parameter range.

This course will give a recap of the theory of neutrino masses, but will mainly focus on experimental methods to measure the neutrino mass. In particular two complementary techniques based on single beta decay [1] and neutrinoless double beta decay (0nbb) [2] will be discussed. In single beta decay (e.g. 3H > 3He) an electron and an anti-neutrino are created, which statistically share the decay energy released in the decay. If the neutrino has a rest mass, it would carry away at least the energy corresponding to this rest mass. Consequently, a non-zero neutrino mass reduces the maximal energy of the electron and distorts the electron energy spectrum in the vicinity of the endpoint.

0nbb is a process that is predicted in many theories but has never been observed so far. The discovery of 0nbb would decisively proof that neutrinos are Majorana particles (i.e. their own antiparticle) and would allow the probing of the neutrino mass, as the half-life of the decay is proportional to the inverse neutrino mass squared.

In these lectures the physics of both techniques will be explained and an overview of the main experimental efforts in this field will be given. As an example for single and double beta decay experiments KATRIN [3, 4] and MAJORANA [5, 6] will be described in more detail.

1 G. Drexlin, V. Hannen, S. Mertens, C. Weinheimer: Current Direct Neutrino Mass Experiments; Advances in High Energy Physics, 2013 (2013), Article ID 293986,

2 F. T. Avignone III, S. R. Elliott, and J. Engel Double beta decay, Majorana neutrinos, and neutrino mass, Rev. Mod. Phys. 80, 481, (2008),

3 KATRIN Collaboration, FZKA Scientific Report 7090 (2004),

5 N. Abgrall et al. Advances in High Energy Physics, 2014, 365432, (2014)

Neutrino Detection: Kate Scholberg (Duke University)

This course will cover physics of neutrino detection and basics of common detection technologies for neutrinos in different energy regimes. I will begin with an overview of the physics of particle energy loss and general principles of particle detection.  The remainder of the course will cover neutrino detector types and instances of specific detectors, over a wide range of energies, including: detectors for radioactive-source, reactor and solar neutrinos (~MeV),  detectors for supernova and pion decay-at-rest neutrinos (~10’s of MeV), detectors for beam and atmospheric neutrinos (~GeV), and detectors for high-energy astrophysical neutrinos (~PeV).


Particle Data Group reviews:

Leo, Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments

Knoll, Radiation Detection and Measurement

Solar, Reactor & Atmospheric: Yifang Wang (IHEP, Beijing)

A. Solar neutrino experiment: History, Standard Solar Neutrino model, past experiments: (Homestake, Gallex/SAGE, Kamiokande), SuperKamiokande, SNO, Borexino, Future experiments

B. Atmospheric neutrino experiments: History, flux model, past experiments: (IMB, Kamiokande), SuperKamiokande, Future experiments: HyperK, PINGU, INO

C. Reactor neutrino experiments: History, reactor neutrino spectrum, past experiments: (Chooz, Palo Verde, KamLAND), Daya Bay, RENO, Double Chooz, Future Exp.s: JUNO,
Magnetic moments: Texono, GEMMA, Reactor anomaly, sterile neutrinos

Additional Information:

Poster: Participants who are presenting poster MUST BRING THE POSTER PRINTED. The poster size should be at most 1,5m x 1m. Please do not bring hanging banner, only sticking poster.

Registration: ALL participants should register. The registration will be on August 17 at the institute from 9:30 to 10:45 am. You can find arrival instruction at

BOARDING PASS: All participants, whose travel has been provided or will be reimbursed by the institute, should bring the boarding pass upon registration, and collect an envelope to send the return boarding pass to the institute.

Accommodation: Participants whose accommodation has been provided by the institute will stay at The Universe Flat. Each participant whose accommodation has been provided by the institute has received the details on the accommodation individually by email.

Emergency number: 9 8233 8671 (from São Paulo city); +55 11 9 8233 8671 (from abroad), 11 9 8233 8671 (from outside São Paulo).

Ground transportation instructions: 

Ground transportation from Guarulhos Airport to The Universe Flat

Ground transportation from Congonhas Airport to the Universe Flat

Ground transportation from The Universe Flat to the institute

2013 Prêmio IFT-ICTP para Jovens Físicos

Written by Nathan on August 26th, 2014. Posted in

Nomes dos Ganhadores do 2013 Prêmio IFT-ICTP para Jovens Físicos

O Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT-UNESP) e o ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR) oferecerão prêmios em 2013 aos melhores alunos com idade igual ou inferior a 21 anos (data de nascimento depois de 26/10/1991).


1º Lugar: R$ 1.000,00
2º Lugar: R$ 800,00
3º Lugar: R$ 600,00
4º Lugar: R$ 400,00
5º Lugar: R$ 200,00

Os candidatos serão selecionados através de prova escrita ministrada pelo IFT-UNESP e o ICTP-SAIFR, sendo que os prêmios serão destinados aos cinco primeiros colocados.

A prova escrita será aplicada na cidade de São Paulo no novo prédio do IFT-UNESP ao lado do metrô Barra Funda. Para participantes de outras cidades, existe uma possibilidade de ter sua passagem de onibus parcialmente reembolsada.

Data da prova: 26 de outubro 2013 (sábado), 14h00
Local da prova: IFT-UNESP (auditório no quarto andar) – Instruções como chegar R. Dr. Bento Teobaldo Ferraz 271, Bl. II – Barra Funda – São Paulo, SP.

Para inscrever no concurso, leia os regulamentos em baixo e preencha até o dia 19/10/2013.


Dos prêmios: Serão oferecidos prêmios em dinheiro aos cinco primeiros colocados: 1o. lugar: R$ 1.000, 2o. lugar: R$ 800, 3o. lugar: R$ 600, 4o. lugar: R$ 400, 5o. lugar: R$ 200 . Os candidatos serão classificados por meio de prova escrita.

Da inscrição: Os candidatos deverão ter idade igual ou inferior a 21 anos, no dia da prova. As inscrições deverão ser feitas online contendo nome, data de nascimento, número do RG, e universidade onde estuda. As inscrições se encerram no dia 19/10/2013.

Da prova: A prova será escrita, terá duração de 3 horas, e versará sobre as seguintes matérias em nível de graduação: Mecânica Clássica, Mecânica Quântica, Mecânica Estatística e Termodinâmica, Eletromagnetismo, Relatividade Especial e Física-Matemática. A prova será aplicada às 14hs no dia 26/10/2013 no auditório do quarto andar do Instituto de Física Teórica, à Rua Dr. Bento Teobaldo Ferraz 271, Bl. II, Barra Funda, 01140-070, São Paulo, SP. Apenas os candidatos devidamente inscritos e munidos de R.G. ou documento equivalente (com foto) poderão fazer a prova. Candidatos que chegarem atrasados não poderão realizar a prova. Durante a prova, não será permitido o uso de qualquer tipo de notas, livros, computador, ou calculadora.

2015 Meeting of Scientific Council and Steering Committee

Written by nadia on May 22nd, 2014. Posted in

Monday February 9
10:30 – 12:30 Joint meeting of steering committee and scientific council (part 1)
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:00 Joint meeting of steering committee and scientific council (part 2)
15:00 – 17:00 Meeting of steering committee

Tuesday February 10
10:00 – 12:00 Meeting of scientific council (part 1)
12:00 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 16:00 Meeting of scientific council (part 2)


2015 Activities

Written by nadia on May 22nd, 2014. Posted in


São Paulo International Schools on Theoretical Physics

IV Southern-Summer School on Mathematical Biology
January 5-11, 2015

School on Pathogen Dynamics, Climate and Global Change
January 12-23, 2015

3rd Joint Dutch-Brazil School on Theoretical Physics
February 2-6, 2015

School on QCD and LHC Physics
July 22-31, 2015

School on Gravitational Waves: from data to theory and back
August 3-11, 2015

International Neutrino Summer School 2015
August 17-29, 2015

School on Complex Networks and Applications to Neuroscience
September 28 – October 16, 2015


Program on Integrability, Holography and the Conformal Bootstrap
November 1, 2014 – February 28, 2015

2015 Meeting of Scientific Council and Steering Committee
February 9-10, 2015

NCC/ICTP-SAIFR School and Workshop on Advanced Techniques for Scientific Programming
April 13-30, 2015

Inauguration of ICTP-SAIFR Isaias Raw Chair
May 8, 2015

Workshop on Astrophysics and Relativity: Astro-GR 2015
August 11-15, 2015

Program on Particle Physics at the Dawn of the LHC13
October 19 – December 19, 2015

Dark Matter day in São Paulo
November 23, 2015


Onuchic Minicourse on Energy Landscapes in Biophysics
March 8, 2015

Minischool on Biophysics of Protein Interactions
March 9-13, 2015

Rawitscher Minicourse on Numerical Spectral Methods
March 18 – April 15, 2015

Bedaque Minicourse on Effective Field Theory and Applications
August 3-6, 2015

Codello Minicourse on the Functional Renormalization Group
October 6-16, 2015

Prize Competition

2015 Prêmio IFT-UNESP/ICTP-SAIFR para Jovens Físicos
October 31, 2015

External Activities

First Peruvian School on High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (Lima)
June 22-26, 2015

6th ICTP Latin-American String School (Mexico City)
October 26 – November 6, 2015

2014 Research Seminars

Written by ICTP-SAIFR on January 30th, 2014. Posted in

2014 Research Seminars

Written by Nathan on January 14th, 2014. Posted in

Speaker Institution Time Title Room Video 1 Video 2 File
Cosmology Workshop ICTP-SAIFR Friday, Feb. 21, 10:00-16:00 Workshop Program Auditorium
Cosmology Workshop ICTP-SAIFR Thursday, Feb. 20, 10:00-18:00 Workshop Program Auditorium
Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz Scientific Director of FAPESP Monday, February 17, 14:00 Science and Technology in São Paulo, Brazil Auditorium
Alessio Notari Univ. Ferrara, Italy Monday, February 17, 10:30 Topics in Cosmology 6 Auditorium
Fabio Iocco IFT Madrid Sunday, February 16, 17:00 Topics in Cosmology 5 Auditorium
Amol Upadhye Ewha Univ., Seoul Sunday, February 16, 14:00 Topics in Cosmology 4 Auditorium
Fedor Bezrukov Univ. of Connecticut Saturday, February 15, 17:00 Topics in Cosmology 3 Auditorium
Marcello Musso Unv. Catholique de Louvain Saturday, February 15, 14:00 Topics in Cosmology 2 Auditorium
Jaiyul Yoo LBL Berkeley Friday, February 14, 18:00 Topics in Cosmology 1 Auditorium
Simon Levin Princeton Univ. Friday, February 14, 11:00 Challenges in Mathematical Ecology 3: Infectious diseases Auditorium
Simon Levin Princeton Univ. Thursday, February 13, 11:00 Challenges in Mathematical Ecology 2: Sustainability science Auditorium
Simon Levin Princeton Univ. Wednesday, Feb. 12, 11:00 Challenges in Mathematical Ecology 1: Scaling and collective phenomena Auditorium
Wei He IFT-UNESP Monday, February 3, 14:00 Instanton partition function and elliptic solution of KdV equation Sala 3
Luiz H. Santos Perimeter Institute Monday, January 27, 15:30 Aharonov-Bohm phase in symmetry protected states Sala 3
Betti Hartmann Jacobs Univ., Brennen Germany Monday, January 27, 14:00 Holographic superconductors and superfluids: the influence of back-reaction Sala 3
Nathan Berkovits ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-UNESP Monday, January 20, 14:00 Covariant map between RNS and pure spinor superstring formalisms Sala 3

ICTP-SAIFR Visitors in 2014

Written by Nathan on December 11th, 2013. Posted in


Room 102 104 105 106 107 108 109 109A 111 112
Phone 3393-7882 3393-7848 3393-7850 3393-7834 3393-7887 3393-7890 3393-7853 3393-7802 3393-7842 3393-7846


Long-Term Visitors in 2014


Visitor Home Institution Period of Visit Room Number
Amnon Aharony Tel Aviv University and Ben Gurion University February 24 – March 25 102
Ora Entin Tel Aviv University and Ben Gurion Unversity February 24 – March 25 102
Fabio Iocco OKC, Stockholm Univ. February 13-22 108
Jaiyul Yoo University of California February 13-19 108
Luca Amendola Univ. of Heidelberg February 10-21 112
François Massol CNRS, Montpellier February 5-15 109
Robert Smith? University of Ottawa February 5-12 109
Otso Ovaskainen University of Helsinki February 2-16 109
Marcus de Carvalho Torres IPT Saclay January 27 – March 28 107
Filipe Abdalla University College London January 25 – February 2 102
Luiz H. Santos Perimeter Institute January 25-31 112


Short-Term Visitors in 2014


Visitor Home Institution Period of Visit Room Number
Simon Levin Princeton Univ. February 11-15  102
Betti Hartmann Jacobs Univ., Brennen Germany January 26-27

2014 Steering Committee and Scientific Council Meeting

Written by Nathan on November 28th, 2013. Posted in

Monday, February 17:

14:00-14:40 Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz (Scientific Director of FAPESP), “Science and Technology in São Paulo, Brazil”

Tuesday, February 18:

10:00-18:00 Closed meeting of Scientific Council

Wednesday, February 19:

10:00-12:00 Closed meeting of Steering Committee and Scientific Council

13:30-15:00 Closed meeting of Steering Committee

Ganhadores do 2013 Prêmio IFT-ICTP para Jovens Físicos

Written by Nathan on November 13th, 2013. Posted in

O Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT-UNESP) e o ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR) ofereceram prêmios em 2013 aos melhores alunos com idade igual ou inferior a 21 anos. Os cinco ganhadores foram selecionados através de prova escrita ministrada pelo IFT-UNESP e o ICTP-SAIFR. A entrega dos prêmios vai ser no auditório do IFT-UNESP antes da aula inaugural de 2014.

Ganhadores do 2013 Prêmio IFT-ICTP para Jovens Físicos

1º Lugar: R$ 1.000,00
Ricardo Costa de Almeida (USP São Paulo), 31,5 de 60 pontos

2º Lugar: R$ 800,00
Rodrigo Voivodic (USP São Paulo), 30,75 de 60 pontos

3º Lugar: R$ 600,00
Anderson Seigo Misobuchi (USP São Paulo), 30,5 de 60 pontos

4º Lugar: R$ 400,00
Ivan Guilhon Mitoso Rocha (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica), 28 de 60 pontos

5º Lugar: R$ 200,00
Henrique Rubira (USP São Paulo), 26,5 de 60 pontos

2014 Activities

Written by Nathan on September 20th, 2013. Posted in


São Paulo International Schools on Theoretical Physics

III Southern-Summer School on Mathematical Biology
February 3-15, 2014

School on Random Geometry and Random Matrices
August 25 – September 2, 2014

School on Electronic Structure and Quantum Transport Methods
October 13-24, 2014

ICTP-Trieste/ICTP-SAIFR School and Workshop on Observational Cosmology
December 1-12, 2014


2014 Meeting of Scientific Council and Steering Committee
February 17-19, 2014

Program on Cosmology (Workshop on Feb. 20-21)
February 2014

Program on Nanophysics and Spintronics (Workshop March 13-14)
March 2014

II Workshop on Perspectives in Nonperturbative QCD
May 12-13, 2014

Program on Particle Physics (Workshop August 11-15)
August 2014

Workshop on Random Geometry and Random Matrices
September 3-4, 2014

ICTP-SAIFR Workshop on Complex Systems
October 22-23, 2014

Program on Integrability, Holography and the Conformal Bootstrap
November 1, 2014 – February 28, 2015

South American Workshop on the Foundations of Quantum Theory and Cosmology
November 3-7, 2014


Filipe Abdalla Minicourse on Data Analysis in Cosmology
January 27-31, 2014

Minischool on Dynamical Systems in Biology
May 4-9, 2014

Kosower Minicourse on QCD Amplitudes
August 18-22, 2014

Minischool on Few-Body Physics
October 6-10, 2014

Vieira Minicourse on Advanced Quantum Field Theory
November 3 – December 12, 2014

Prize Competition

2014 Prêmio IFT-UNESP/ICTP-SAIFR para Jovens Físicos
November 1, 2014