Search Results

2014 Activities

Written by nadia on September 8th, 2013. Posted in

2012 Research Seminars

Written by Nathan on March 24th, 2013. Posted in

Speaker Institution Time Title Room Video 1 Video 2 File
Francis Halzen Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison Wednesday, Dec. 19, 14:00 Particle Astrophysics with High-Energy Neutrinos Auditorium video
Keith Olive Univ. of Minnesota Tuesday, Dec. 18, 15:00 Supersymmetric Dark Matter in Light of Recent LHC results Auditorium video
Francisco Rojas IFT-UNESP Monday, Dec. 17, 14:00 Regge trajectory and hard scattering in the open type-0 string and large N QCD Sala 1
Benjamin Grinstein Univ. of Calif. at San Diego Thursday, Dec. 13, 14:00 Scale -> Conformal Invariance, RG-Cycles, and all that … Auditorium video
Thiago Fleury IFT-UNESP Monday, Dec. 10, 14:00 Harmonic Superspace from the AdS_5xS^5 Pure Spinor Formalism Sala 1
Rafael Porto IAS, Princeton Wednesday, Dec. 5, 10:00 EFT Approach to Gravitational Dynamics (VI): EFT of inflation Auditorium video video
Rafael Porto IAS, Princeton Tuesday, Dec. 4, 10:00 EFT Approach to Gravitational Dynamics (V): Inflation and primordial perturbations Auditorium video video
Rafael Porto IAS, Princeton Monday, Dec. 3, 10:00 EFT Approach to Gravitational Dynamics (IV): Binary inspiral problem Auditorium video video
Rafael Porto IAS, Princeton Friday, Nov. 30, 16:00 EFT Approach to Gravitational Dynamics (III): EFT for gravitational radiation Auditorium video video
Rafael Porto IAS, Princeton Thursday, Nov. 29, 16:00 EFT Approach to Gravitational Dynamics (II): 2-body problem in general relativity Auditorium video
Rafael Porto IAS, Princeton Wednesday, Nov. 28, 16:00 EFT Approach to Gravitational Dynamics (I): EFT’s in QCD Auditorium video video
Antonio José Roque da Silva Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron Wednesday, Nov. 28, 14:00 Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source: Current Results and Future Perspectives
Auditorium video video
Alireza Tavanfar CERN Monday, Nov. 26, 16:00 Back to the Point Zero Sala 1
Per Sundin Univ. of Cape Town Monday, Nov. 19, 16:00 Classical and quantum aspects of the AdS(2) and AdS(3) Green-Schwarz string Sala 1
Gregory Korchemsky IPT Saclay Wednesday, Nov. 14, 14:00 Exploring scattering amplitudes using soap films
Auditorium video video
Konstantin Zarembo Nordita Wednesday, Nov. 7, 14:00 Gauge/String Duality: Exact results
Alexander Punnoose IFT-UNESP Wednesday, Oct. 31, 14:00 Quantum phase transition in a dirty electron liquid in two
Sala 1
Carlos Alfonso Ballon Bayona Durham University Monday, Oct. 29, 16:00 Holographic realization of chiral anomaly and spiral phases in large-N QCD Sala 1
Paulo Artaxo USP Wednesday, Oct. 24, 14:00 Recent scientific aspects of research in global climate change
Boris Kayser Fermilab Tuesday, Oct. 23, 10:00 Major Questions and Issues in Particle Physics (lecture 2) Sala 1 video
Wei He IFT-UNESP Monday, Oct. 22, 16:00 Quantum integrable structure in N=2 gauge theories Sala 1
Boris Kayser Fermilab Monday, Oct. 22, 10:00 Major Questions and Issues in Particle Physics (lecture 1) Sala 1 video
Ilya Bakhmatov IFT-UNESP Monday, Oct. 15, 16:00 Construction of b ghost in curved background Sala 1
Dionisio Bazeia Filho UFPB Wednesday, Oct. 10, 14:00 Scalar Fields in Action
Humberto Gomes IFT-UNESP Monday, Oct. 8, 16:00 Three-loop Superstring Amplitudes Sala 1
Raul Abramo USP Wednesday, Oct. 3, 14:00 Cosmology with 3D Maps of the Universe Auditorium
Reimundo Heluani IMPA Monday, Oct. 1, 16:00 Mathieu’s Moonshine and string theory on K3 Sala 1
Nelson Pinto Neto CBPF Wednesday, Sept. 26, 14:00 Primordial cosmology and quantum theory Auditorium
Thales Agricola IFT-UNESP Monday, Sept. 24, 16:00 On the spectrum of AdS/CFT beyond supergravity Sala 1
Sergio Novaes IFT-UNESP Wednesday, Sept. 19, 14:00 Observation of a new boson with mass near 125 GeV in CMS Auditorium
Carlos Cardona Univ. of Buenos Aires Monday, Sept. 17, 16:00 Correlation functions in AdS3/CFT2
Sala 1
Claudio Lenz Cesar UFRJ Wednesday, Sept. 12, 14:00 Antimatter at our feet !? Auditorium
Derek Frydel UFRGS Monday, Sept. 10, 16:00 Electrostatic interactions in soft matter Sala 1
Joseph Minahan MIT and Uppsala Wednesday, Sept. 5, 14:00 N=4 Super-Yang-Mills: The harmonic oscillator of interacting quantum field theories Auditorium
Joseph Minahan MIT and Uppsala Tuesday, Sept. 4, 12:00 Integrability in N=4 super-Yang-Mills, Part 3 Sala 1 video video
Joseph Minahan MIT and Uppsala Tuesday, Sept. 4, 9:00 Integrability in N=4 super-Yang-Mills, Part 2 Auditorium video video
Joseph Minahan MIT and Uppsala Monday, Sept. 3, 14:00 Integrability in N=4 super-Yang-Mills, Part 1 Sala 1 video video
Pavel Wiegmann Univ. of Chicago Wednesday, August 29, 16:00 Hydrodynamics of Fractional Hall Effect: revealing topology through a non-linear dynamics Auditorium
Mahir S. Hussein USP Wednesday, August 29, 14:00 Big Bang Nucleosynthesis with Non-Maxwellian Distribution Auditorium
Ido Adam IFT-UNESP Monday, August 27, 16:00 On marginal deformations of the general (0,2) non-linear sigma-model Sala 3
Andre Lessa USP Wednesday, August 22, 14:00 Dark matter in the Peccei-Quinn augmented MSSM Auditorium video
Antonio Enea Romano Universidad de Antioquia Monday, August 20, 14:00 Corrections to the apparent value of the cosmological constant due to local inhomogeneities Sala 3
Boris Malomed Tel Aviv University Wednesday, August 15, 14:00 Suppression of the Quantum-Mechanical Collapse by Repulsive Interactions Auditorium video
Andrey Mikhailov IFT Monday, August 13, 14:00 Koszul Duality Sala 3
Silvio Canuto USP Wednesday, August 8, 14:00 Theoretical Study of Visible Light Absorption by Photosynthetic Pigments Auditorium
Holger Frahm Hannover University Wednesday, August 1, 14:00 Non-Abelian D(D_3) Anyons: Integrable Models and Collective Behaviour Auditorium
Norihiro Iizuka CERN Tuesday, July 31, 14:00 Aspects of holographic condensed matter physics Sala 1
Norihiro Iizuka CERN Friday, July 27, 14:00 Holography: Gravity, Black holes, QCD and Condensed matter physics Sala 1
Hector Arcos ICTP-SAIFR Monday, July 23, 14:00 Pure spinor superfield formalism applied to D=11 supergravity Sala 1
Davi Rohe IFT Monday, July 16, 14:00 On BRST and BV Symmetries Sala 1
Alessandro Melchiorri Univ. de Roma Wednesday, July 4, 14:00 Cosmic Microwave Anisotropies: current status and prospects Auditorium
Alessandro Melchiorri Univ. de Roma Monday, July 2, 14:00 Parametrised modified gravity and the CMB Bispectrum Sala 1 video
Pavel Fileviez Perez New York University Thursday, June 28, 14:00 Breaking Local Baryon and Lepton Number at the TeV Scale Sala 1 video video
Pavel Fileviez Perez New York University Wednesday, June 27, 14:00 The Super-world at the LHC Auditorium video video
Pavel Fileviez Perez New York University Monday, June 25, 14:00 The Minimal Theory for R-parity Violation at the LHC Sala 1 video video
Morgan Le Delliou USP Thursday, June 21, 14:00 Generalizing TOV condition in spherically symmetric models with general fluids Auditorium video video
Vanderlei Bagnato USP Sao Carlos Wednesday, June 20, 14:00 Turbulence in Trapped Atomic Superfluids Auditorium
Ashok Das Rochester University Monday, June 18, 14:00 Infrared chiral anomaly at finite temperature Sala 1 video video
Gero Gersdorff Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau Tuesday, June 12, 14:00 New Contributions to Soft Terms Sala 1
Gero Gersdorff Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau Monday, June 11, 14:00 Electroweak and Flavor Constraints in General Warped Models Auditorium video
Henrik Aratyn University of Illinois at Chicago Wednesday, June 6, 14:00 Symmetries, Integrable Models and their Painleve Limits Auditorium
Patricia Tissera Univ. Buenos Aires Thursday, May 31, 14:00 Galaxy formation in cosmological simulations Auditorium
Marcio Jose Martins Univ. Fed. de Sao Carlos Wednesday, May 30, 14:00 Integrability in Statistical Mechanics and Algebraic Geometry Auditorium
Matthew Johnson Perimeter Institute Tuesday, May 29, 14:00 Will the entropy of our universe always increase? Sala 1
Matthew Johnson Perimeter Institute Monday, May 28, 14:00 First observational tests of eternal inflation Auditorium video
Eduardo Ponton Columbia University Friday, May 25, 14:00 Phenomenological Implications of an Approximate U(1)_R Symmetry Sala 1
Eduardo Ponton Columbia University Thursday, May 24, 14:00 Supersymmetry in the Light of Recent LHC Results Auditorium
Eduardo Ponton Columbia University Wednesday, May 23, 16:00 Warped Scenarios with a Kaluza-Klein Parity Sala 1
John Bush MIT Wednesday, May 23, 14:00 Droplets Walking on the Impossible Pilot Wave Auditorium
Amit Sever Perimeter Institute Thursday, May 10, 14:00 Gauge theories through the ‘t Hooft string Auditorium
Amit Sever Perimeter Institute Monday, May 7, 14:00 Color flux, integrability and the S-matrix of N=4 SYM Sala 2
Riccardo Sturani Univ. Urbino Friday, May 4, 14:00 Gravitational waves from coalescing binaries Auditorium
Riccardo Sturani Univ. Urbino Thursday, May 3, 14:00 Effective field theory methods for classical gravity Sala 1
Arthur Maciel CBPF Wednesday, May 2, 14:00 Searches for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in Hadron Colliders Auditorium
Helio Chachan Univ. Fed. de Minas Gerais Wednesday, April 25, 14:00 Predicting and Explaining New Phenomena in Nanostructure Materials Auditorium
Emil Akhmedov ITEP, Moscow Monday, April 23, 14:00 Solution of the Dyson–Schwinger equation on de Sitter background in IR limit Sala 1
Marina Nielsen USP Wednesday, April 18, 14:00 Novelties about Exotic States of Charmonium and Bottomonium Auditorium
Ricardo Matheus IFT Monday, April 16, 14:00 Inverted Two-Higgs Doublet Model and Fermion Condensation Sala 1
Jailson Souza de Alcaniz Observatorio Nacional do Rio de Janeiro Wednesday, April 11, 14:00 Cosmography and Cosmic Acceleration Auditorium
Nathan Berkovits IFT/ICTP-SAIFR Monday, April 9, 14:00 Constrained BV description of string field theory Sala 1
Luciano Rodrigues da Silva Univ. Fed. de Rio Grande de Norte Wednesday, April 4, 14:00 Propagation of information in complex systems Auditorium
Horatiu Nastase IFT Monday, April 2, 14:00 5D Yang-Mills instantons from ABJM monopoles Sala 1
Diego Trancanelli USP Wednesday, March 28, 14:00 An Anisotropic Strongly Coupled Plasma Auditorium
Andrei Mikhailov IFT Monday, March 26, 14:00 On the beta deformation Sala 1
Vicente Pleitez IFT-UNESP Wednesday, March 21, 14:00 Possibility of New Physics at the TeV Scale Auditorium
Humberto Gomez IFT Monday, March 19, 14:00 Some mathematical aspects of twistor theory Sala 1
Marcelo Knobel UNICAMP Wednesday, March 14, 14:00 Effects of Magnetic Interparticle Coupling on the Magnetic Properties of Ferromagnetic Nanoparticle Systems Auditorium
Bert Schroer Univ. of Berlin Monday, March 12, 14:00 The foundational origin of integrability in quantum field theory Sala 1
Lincoln Carr Univ. of Heidelberg and Colorado School of Mines Thursday, March 8, 14:00 Lightspeed at a snail’s pace: Relativity meets ultracold physics Auditorium
Dmitri Gitman USP Wednesday, March 7, 14:00 Maximum Electric Field in QED and Electronic Structure of Superheavy Atoms Auditorium
Ido Adam IFT Monday, March 5, 14:00 A Universal Inequality for CFT and Quantum Gravity Sala 1
Ion Vanceia Univ. Fed. Rural do Rio de Janeiro Wednesday, February 29, 14:00 Non-Commutative Fluids Auditorium
Teofilo Vargas UNMSM, Lima Monday, Feb. 27, 14:00 On the model of Ponzano-Regge Sala 1
Niclas Wyllard ICTP-SAIFR Monday, Feb. 20, 14:00 K3 and Mathieu Moonshine Sala 1
Marco Cariglia Univ. Fed. de Ouro Preto Wednesday, Feb. 15, 14:00 Integrable Systems with Black Hole Spacetimes and Killing-Yano Tensors Auditorium
Brenno Vallilo Univ. Andres Bello, Santiago Monday, Feb. 13, 14:00 Konishi energy from string theory Sala 1
Marco Cariglia Univ. Fed. Ouro Preto Monday, Feb. 6, 14:00 Hidden symmetries and integrability in higher dimensional rotating black hole spacetimes Sala 1
Horatiu Nastase IFT Monday, Jan. 30, 14:00 Relations between N=4 super-Yang-Mills and N=8 supergravity amplitudes Sala 1
Nathan Berkovits IFT/ICTP-SAIFR Monday, Jan. 23, 14:00 Introduction to the Open Twistor String Sala das Reuniões
Dionisio Bazeia Univ. Fed. de Joao Pessoa Thursday, Jan. 19, 14:00 Defects in Scalar Field Models and Applications Sala das Reuniões
Oscar Chacaltana ICTP-SAIFR Monday, Jan. 16, 14:00 Introduction to Gaiotto duality Sala das Reuniões
Niclas Wyllard ICTP-SAIFR Monday, Jan. 9, 14:00 Overview of AGT-Type Relations Sala 1

ICTP-SAIFR Visitors in 2012

Written by Nathan on March 19th, 2013. Posted in

Long-Term Visitors in 2012

Visitor Home Institution Period of Visit Room Number Telephone
Alejandro Cabo ICMF Habana Dec. 1 – Dec. 29 109 3393-7850
Riccardo Sturani University of Urbino, Italy Nov. 28 – Dec. 24 105 3393-7850
Rafael Porto IAS, Princeton Nov. 25 – Dec. 8 111 3393-7842
Alireza Tavanfar CERN Oct. 20 – Nov. 27 105 3393-7850
Carlos Alfonso Ballon Bayona Durham University Oct. 1 – Dec. 15 107 3393-7887
Carlos Cardona Univ. de Buenos Aires Sept. 1 – Oct. 15 106 3393-7834
Derek Frydel Univ. Fed. Rio Grande do Sul Sept. 1 – Sept. 14 105 3393-7850
Boris Malomed Tel Aviv University July 21 – August 24 111 3393-7842
Antonio Enea Romano Universidad de Antioquia June 24- August 22 106 3393-7834
Ion Vasile Vancea U.F. Rural do Rio de Janeiro June 5- June 20 112 3393-7846
Hiroshi de Sandes Kimura IPhT- CEA-Saclay June 5- December 31 112 3393-7846
Eduardo Ponton Columbia University May 13- May 29 112 3393-7846
Marco Cariglia Univ. Fed. de Ouro Preto Jan. 28 – Feb. 26 105 3393-7850
Oscar Chacaltana Univ. of Texas Jan. 12 – Feb. 29 107 3393-7887
Dionisio Bazeia Univ. Fed. de Joao Pessoa Jan. 3 – Jan. 20 111 3393-7842
Niclas Wyllard Univ. of Gotenborg Jan. 2 – Feb. 25 112 3393-7846

Short-Term Visitors in 2012

Visitor Home Institution Period of Visit
Francis Halzen University of Wisconsin at Madison December 19
Keith Olive University of Minnesota December 18
Benjamin Grinstein University of California at San Diego December 13
Jeronimo Peralta Univ. of Buenos Aires December 6-19
Per Sundin University of Cape Town November 19-23
Gregory Korchemsky IPT, Saclay November 10-17
Romuald Janik Jagellonian Univ., Krakow November 5-14
Jason Harris Wolfram Research, Illinois November 4-14
Nikolay Gromov King’s College, London November 4-11
Konstantin Zarembo Nordita, Stockholm November 4-11
Pedro Vieira Perimeter, Waterloo November 4-17
Boris Kayser Fermilab October 18-23
Reimundo Heluani IMPA October 1-2
Joseph Minahan Uppsala University and MIT September 1-5
Pavel Wiegmann University of Chicago August 29
Norihiro Iizuka CERN July 26-August 5
John Friedman Univ. of Wisconsin at Milwaukee July 19-27
Marcelo Gleiser Dartmouth College July 18
Robert Caldwell Dartmouth College July 15-29
Raul Abramo Univ. de São Paulo July 15-21
Jolien Creighton Univ. of Wisconsin at Milwaukee July 15-21
Alessandro Melchiorri Univ. of Roma, La Sapienza July 1-6
Pavel Fileviez Perez New York University June 24-30
Gero Gersdorff Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau June 9-16
Patricia Tissera Univ. de Buenos Aires May 28-June 1
Matthew Johnson Perimeter Institute, Waterloo May 28-June 1
Ben Bakker Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam May 19-25
Peter Ouyang Purdue University May 8-20
Rob Myers Perimeter Institute, Waterloo May 8-10
Gerardo Aldazabal CNEA, Bariloche May 7-10
Max Bañados Univ. Católica de Chile, Santiago May 7-10
Claudio Bunster CECS, Valdivia May 7-9
Anamaria Font Univ. Central de Venezuela, Caracas May 7-10
Carlos Mafra Cambridge Univ., UK May 7-9
Viatcheslav Mukhanov LMU, Munich May 7-9
Carmen Núñez IAFE, Buenos Aires May 7-9
Ashoke Sen Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad May 7-9
Jorge Zanelli CECS, Valdivia May 7-11
David Wilson Argonne National Laboratory, USA May 6-8
Craig D. Roberts Argonne National Laboratory, USA May 6-8
Wolfgang Bietenholz UNAM, Mexico May 6-8
Peter Tandy Kent State Univ., USA May 6-8
Ian Cloët Univ. Adelaide, Australia May 6-8
Ubirajara van Kolck Univ. of Arizona May 6-8
Anthony W. Thomas Univ. Adelaide, Australia May 6-8
Amit Sever Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton May 6-11
Riccardo Sturani University of Urbino, Italy May 1-9
Emil Akhmedov ITEP, Moscow April 22-25
Lincoln Carr Colorado School of Mines Mar. 8
Ion Vasile Vancea Univ. Fed. Rural do Rio de Janeiro Feb. 27 – Mar. 9
Yuri Aisaka DESY Hamburg Feb. 7 – Feb. 11
Brenno Carlini Vallilo Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago Chile Feb. 7 – Feb. 18
Luiz Davidovich UFRJ Feb. 7 – Feb. 8
Daniel Sudarsky UNAM Feb. 6 – Feb. 8
Barton Zwiebach MIT Feb. 6 – Feb. 8
Marcela Carena Fermilab Feb. 6 – Feb. 8
Arnulfo Zepeda Univ. Chiapas, Mexico Feb. 5 – Feb. 9
Juan Maldacena IAS Princeton Feb. 5 – Feb. 7
Fernando Quevedo ICTP Feb. 5 – Feb. 10
Matias Zaldarriaga IAS Feb. 5 – Feb. 8
Marcel Clerc Univ. de Chile Feb. 5 – Feb. 9
Peter Goddard IAS Princeton Feb. 5 – Feb. 8
Seifallah Randjbar-Daemi ICTP Feb. 4 – Feb. 10
Frithjof Lutscher Univ. of Ottawa Jan. 23- Jan. 28
Vittoria Colizza Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris Jan. 23- Jan. 28
Priyanga Amarasekare Univ. of California at Los Angeles Jan. 22- Jan. 27

2013 Meeting of Steering Committee and Scientific Council

Written by Nathan on December 23rd, 2012. Posted in

Sunday, February 17:

Informal Scientific Workshop (open to all)

15:00-15:30 Daniel Sudarsky (UNAM, Mexico)
Inflationary cosmology as a setting for the study of fundamental issues in quantum theory

15:35-16:05 Niclas Wyllard (ICTP-SAIFR)
Overview of relations between 2d CFTs and 4d SUSY gauge theories

16:10-16:40 Fernando Quevedo (ICTP)
On continuous spin representations in perturbative string theory

16:45-17:15 Eduardo Ponton (ICTP-SAIFR)
Higgs properties as a window into the electroweak phase transition

Monday, February 18:

9:00-15:00 Closed meeting of Steering Committee
16:00-19:00 Closed meeting of Steering Committee and Scientific Council

Tuesday, February 19:

9:00-16:00 Closed meeting of Scientific Council

2014 Prêmio IFT-UNESP/ICTP-SAIFR para Jovens Físicos

Written by Nathan on December 10th, 2012. Posted in

Nomes dos Ganhadores do 2012 Prêmio IFT-ICTP para Jovens Físicos
Nomes dos Ganhadores do 2013 Prêmio IFT-ICTP para Jovens Físicos
Nomes dos Ganhadores do 2014 Prêmio IFT-ICTP para Jovens Físicos

Provas anteriores:

O Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT-UNESP) e o ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR) oferecerão, em 2014, prêmios aos melhores alunos com idade igual ou inferior a 21 anos (data de nascimento depois de 1/11/1992).


1º Lugar:  R$ 1000,00
2º Lugar: R$ 800,00
3º Lugar: R$ 600,00
4º Lugar: R$ 400,00
5º Lugar: R$ 200,00

Os candidatos serão selecionados através de prova escrita ministrada pelo IFT-UNESP e o ICTP-SAIFR. Os prêmios serão destinados aos cinco primeiros colocados.

A prova escrita será aplicada na cidade de São Paulo no novo prédio do IFT-UNESP ao lado do metrô Barra Funda. Para participantes de outras cidades, existe a possibilidade de reembolso parcial de passagens de ônibus.

Data da prova: 1 de novembro 2014 (sábado), 14h00
Local da prova: IFT-UNESP (auditório no quarto andar) – Instruções: como chegar
R. Dr. Bento Teobaldo Ferraz 271, Bl. II – Barra Funda – São Paulo, SP.

Para se inscrever no concurso, leia o regulamento abaixo e preencha o formulário de inscrição até o dia 25/10/2014.


Dos prêmios:
Serão oferecidos prêmios em dinheiro aos cinco primeiros colocados:
1º. lugar: R$ 1.000, 2º. lugar: R$ 800, 3º. lugar: R$ 600, 4º. lugar: R$ 400, 5º. lugar: R$ 200 .
Os candidatos serão avaliados através de uma prova escrita.

Da inscrição:
Os candidatos deverão ter idade igual ou inferior a 21 anos, no dia da prova.
As inscrições são feitas online e devem conter nome, data de nascimento, número do RG, e universidade.
As inscrições se encerram no dia 25/10/2014.

Da prova:
A prova escrita terá duração de 3 horas, e versará sobre as seguintes matérias do curso de graduação em Física: Mecânica Clássica, Mecânica Quântica, Mecânica Estatística/Termodinâmica, Eletromagnetismo, Relatividade Especial e Física-Matemática.
A prova será aplicada às 14hs no dia 1/11/2014 no auditório do quarto andar do Instituto de Física Teórica, à Rua Dr. Bento Teobaldo Ferraz 271, Bl. II, Barra Funda, 01140-070, São Paulo, SP.
Apenas os candidatos devidamente inscritos e munidos de R.G. ou documento equivalente (com foto) poderão fazer a prova.
Candidatos que chegarem atrasados não poderão realizar a prova.
Durante a prova não será permitido o uso de qualquer tipo de notas, livros, computador, ou calculadora.

SILAFAE2012 – Posters

Written by ICTP-SAIFR on November 26th, 2012. Posted in

New Chiral Fermions in an SU(3)CSU(2)LU(1)Y Model
Alex G. Dias

Factory of dark particles
Alexander Lunkes Dos Santos

Screening Mechanisms in Cosmology
André Luís Delvas Fróes

Generalized Dirac equation for on-shell methods
Angelo Raffaele Fazio

Antonio Loza

Reconstruction of deformed defects in eld theory from deformed zero modes and applications
Augusto Enrique Rueda Chumbes

Bruno Daniel

Carlos A. Mirez Tarrillo

Carlos Sandoval

Measurement of the time-dependent CP asymmetry in B0 ! J= K0S
Daniela Szilard

Higgs-Strahlung Process in the SU(3)L U(1)N electroweak model with heavy leptons
David Romero Abad

Phenomenology of Atmospheric Neutrino with Mass-Varying Neutrinos
Diego Rossi Gratieri

Eduardo Marcio Zavanin

A modern fit of the electroweak parameters from all avaible low energy ν-hadron data
Eduardo Rojas Peña

Explaining the Higgs Decays at the LHC with the Minimal $3-3-1$ Model
Elmer Ramirez Barreto

Quasi-Dirac Neutrinos in the Solar Context
Fernando Rossi Torres

Florencia Laura Vieyro

Renormalizability of Generalized Quantum Electrodynamics
German Enrique Ramos Zambrano

Nuclear effects and quarkonium production at RHIC and LHC
Glauber Sampaio Dos Santos

The role of charged Higgs boson decays in the determination of tanβ–like parameters
Herberth Jesus Cardenas Ramirez

Ion Vasile Vancea

Lepton Flavor Violation processes in 331 Models
Javier Alberto Duarte Chávez

Hadronic Bound States Spin One With the Light-Front Approach
Joao Pacheco B. C. De Melo

Jose Alejandro Rosabal Rodriguez

Larbi Rahili

Lucas Mendes Santos

On the scattering of massive spin-1 bosons by a nonminimal vector sign potential
Luiz Paulo De Oliveira

Search for high-mass dilepton resonances in 6.1 fb-1 of pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV
Maria Aline Barros Do Vale

Decay properties of a class of doubly charged Higgs bosons
Mauro Donizeti Tonasse Tonasse

Calculations of CP Violation with Majorana neutrinos
Miguel David Campos

J/y and y ′ Production in Coherent Hadronic Interactions and the LHC
Mirian Thurow Griep

LHCb Jet Reconstruction
Oscar Augusto De Aguiar Francisco

The role of a tachyonic-like condensation in cosmological cusp geometries
Reinaldo Roberto Rosa

A fourth generation of vector like fermions in extensions of MSSM
Roberto Rodrigues Moreira

The gap equation and the dynamical quark mass: one-dressed-gluon exchange and confinement
Rodolfo Mario Capdevilla Roldan

Monte Carlo Simulation of Production of squarks in proton-proton collisions to √s = 7 TeV
Roger Rodrigo Galindo Orjuela

Study of the W′ contribution to the H → and H → Z channels
Roy Daniel Alva Navarro

The Kubo formula for the l ling factor of the zero eld QHT
Saul Sanchez Madrigal

Simulation of atmospheric temperature e ects on cosmic ray muon ux
Stefano Castro Tognini

Valdir Salustino Guimarães

Diffractive production of photons at high-t in ep collisions
Werner Krambeck Sauter


Written by ICTP-SAIFR on November 13th, 2012. Posted in

10/12 11/12 12/12 13/12 14/12
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00(45’+5′) P-QCD Higgs results (ATLAS) LHCb Neutrinos – TH BSM
9:50(20’+5′) Mo1 Tu1 DM – TH Th1 Fr1
10:15(20’+5′) Mo2 Tu2 Th2 Fr2
11:10(45’+5′) QCD results (ATLAS/CMS) Higgs results (CMS) DM-EXP Neutrinos – EXP Exotica results (ATLAS&CMS)
12:00(20’+5′) Mo3 Tu3 We1 Th3 Fr3
14:00(45’+5′) NP-QCD Higgs Physics FREE TIME Heavy flavor (ATLAS&CMS) Flavor – CP
14:50(20’+5′) Mo4 Tu4 Th4 Fr4
15:15(20’+5′) Mo5 Tu5 Th5 Fr5
16:10(45’+5′) Heavy ion results (ALICE) Tevatron milestones SUSY results (ATLAS&CMS) Auger
17:00(20’+5′) Mo6 Tu6 Th6 Fr6
17:25(20’+5′) Mo7 Tu7 Th7 Fr7
17:50(20’+5′) Mo8 Tu8 Th8 Fr8
18:15-19:30 Reception & Poster Poster ————– Concert ————
20:00-22:00 Banquet

Overview talks

Higgs Physics – Abdelhak Djouadi (Orsay)
Flavor and CP violation – Benjamin Grinstein (U. of California – San Diego)
BSM- Beyond the Standard Model – Eduardo Pontón (Columbia University)
Neutrinos (Theory) – José Valle (University of Valencia)
Perturbative QCD – Gavin Salam (CERN)
Nonperturbative QCD– Joachim Bartels (DESY)
Dark Matter – Graciela  Gelmini (U. of California – Los Angeles)

Higgs results – ATLAS – F. Monticelli (U. La Plata)
Higgs results – CMS – X. Janssen (U. Antwerp)
Exotica results – ATLAS/CMS – F. Yumiceva (Florida Institute of Technology)
Heavy flavor results – ATLAS/CMS – C. Escobar (U. Pittsburgh)
QCD results – ATLAS/CMS – L. Sulak (Boston U.)
SUSY results – ATLAS/CMS – M. Dova (La Plata)
Heavy Ion – ALICE/ATLAS/CMS – Jun Takahashi (Unicamp)
LHCb – Kazuyoshi Akiba (U. Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
Neutrinos – Thierry Lasserre (Saclay)
Dark Matter – Elena Aprile (U. of Columbia)
New results from the Auger Observatory – Ronald Shellard (CBPF)
Tevatron milestones – Eduard de la Cruz Burelo (Cinvestav)

Specialized talks

Mo1: Jet fragmentation in heavy ion collisions (C. B. Mariotto, FURG)
Mo2: Some consequences of a proposed local and gauge invariant version of QCD (A. Cabo, Instituto de Cibernetica Matematica y Fisica)
Mo3: QCD effective charge and the structure function F_2 at small-x (E. G. S. Luna, UFRGS)
Mo4: Nonlinear evolution for Pomeron fields (C. Contreras, UFTSM)
Mo5: Exclusive and diffractive physics with CMS (A. V. Pereira, UERJ)
Mo6: Heavy ion physics with CMS at the LHC (M. Malek, UERJ)
Mo7: Heavy ion physics with ATLAS(M. Donadelli, USP)
Mo8: Charmonium in matter (Gastão Krein, IFT)

Tu1: Scalar new physics and Higgs couplings (J. L. Diaz-Cruz, U. of Puebla)
Tu2: Top quark effects in composite vector pair production at the LHC (A. Cárcamo Hernandez, UTFSM)
Tu3: Higgses masses in some supersymmetric 331 models (M. C. Rodriguez, FURG)
Tu4: Localization of fermions in different domain wall models (O. Castillo-Felisola, UTFSM)
Tu5: R-parity breaking and baryon number violation from anomalous U(1)_H (O. Zapata, U. of Antioquia)
Tu6: On the quantum chromodynamics of a massive vector field in the adjoint representation (A. R. Zerwekh, UTFSM)
Tu7: Heavy quarks bound states and their radiative decays at the LHC (V. Bashiry, Cyprus International U., Turkey)
Tu8: Probing neutralino properties in minimal supergravity with bilinear R-parity violation (D. Restrepo, U. of Antioquia)

We1: ANDES: agua negra deep experiment site (C. Dib, UTFSM)

Th1: S_4 flavored CP symmetry for neutrinos (C. Nishi, U. Federal ABC)
Th2: Neutrinoless double beta decay at the LHC (J. C. Helo, UTFSM)
Th3: Constraining sterile neutrinos with AMANDA and IceCube atmospheric neutrino data (O. Peres, Unicamp)
Th4: Recent results at Miniboone on neutrino oscillations (A. Aguilar-Arevalo – ICN/UNAM)
Th5: Current status of the Neutrino Angra Project: monitoring nuclear reactors with antineutrino detectors (J. dos Anjos, CBPF)
Th6: Recent results from Daya Bay (P. Ochoa, Berkeley)
Th7: Potential of a neutrino detector in ANDES (H. Nunokawa, PUC-Rio)
Th8: Majorana neutrinos in dense matter and strong magnetic fields (M. Dvornikov, USP)

Fr1: Supersymmetry with a sister Higgs (D. Alves, FNAL)
Fr2: Dark radiation in the Peccei-Quinn augmented MSSM (A. Lessa, USP)
Fr3: Scalar resonance effects on the $B_s – \bar B_s$ mixing angle (B. El-Bennich, U. Cruzeiro do Sul)
Fr4: Search for high-mass resonances decaying to dileptons with the ATLAS detector (A. Nepomuceno, UFF)
Fr5: Towards brane-antibrane inflation in type IIA string theory: the holographic MQCD model – (H. Nastase, IFT-UNESP)
Fr6: Revisiting the S-matrix approach to the open superstring low energy effective lagrangian (R. Medina, U. Itajubá)
Fr7: One loop rational part of scattering amplitudes by on shell methods (A. R. Fazio, U. Nacional)
Fr8: Geometric deformation in the brane-world and (microscopic) black holes (J. Ovalle, U. Simon Bolivar)

Session Coordinators

. Magno Machado (morning 10th)
. Beatriz Ducati (afternoon 10th)
. Marta Losada (morning 11th)
. João dos Anjos (afternoon 11th)
. Alexis Aguilar (morning 12th)
. Tere Dova (morning 13th)
. Leandro de Paula (afternoon 13th)
. Jorge Ovalle (morning 14th)
. Claudio Dib (afternoon 14th)

Ganhadores do 2012 Prêmio IFT-ICTP para Jovens Físicos

Written by ICTP-SAIFR on September 10th, 2012. Posted in

O Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT-UNESP) e o ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR) ofereceram prêmios em 2012 aos melhores alunos com idade igual ou inferior a 21 anos. Os cinco ganhadores foram selecionados através de prova escrita ministrada pelo IFT-UNESP e o ICTP-SAIFR. A entrega dos prêmios vai ser no auditório do IFT-UNESP no dia 4 de marco de 2013 as 14 horas.

Ganhadores do 2012 Prêmio IFT-ICTP para Jovens Físicos

1º Lugar: R$ 1.000,00
Ivan Guillhon Mitoso Rocha (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica), 40 de 60 pontos

2º Lugar: R$ 800,00
João Fernando Doriguello Diniz (Universidade Estadual de Campinas), 36,5 de 60 pontos

3º Lugar: R$ 600,00
Ricardo Hernandez Moreno (Instituto de Física Teórica, UNESP), 30,5 de 60 pontos

4º Lugar: R$ 300,00 (empate)
Vilson Fabricio dos Santos Juliatto (Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste, Paraná), 26 de 60 pontos

4º Lugar: R$ 300,00 (empate)
Cássio dos Santos Sousa (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica), 26 de 60 pontos


2013 Activities

Written by ICTP-SAIFR on May 24th, 2012. Posted in

São Paulo International Schools on Theoretical Physics

II Southern-Summer School on Mathematical Biology
January 21 – February 2, 2013

School on Particle Physics in the LHC Era
April 1-12, 2013

School on Non-Perturbative QCD
May 27- June 7, 2013

School on Approaches to Quantum Gravity
September 2-9, 2013

School on Fundamental Astrophysics
October 7-18, 2013

School on Nonlinear Optics and Nanophotonics
November 25 – December 6, 2013

Meetings and Workshops

2013 Meeting of Steering Committee and Scientific Council
February 17-19, 2013

VI Quantum Gravity in the Southern Cone
September 11-14, 2013

Workshop on Higher-Spin and Higher-Curvature Gravity
November 4-7, 2013

Program on Amplitudes and Correlation Functions
October 20 – December 20, 2013

David Gross discussion session
November 12, 2013


Corrigan minicourse on classical and quantum integrability
April 9-18, 2013

Energetic Approach to Food Webs
June 17 – 21, 2013 

Sturani minicourse on gravitational waves
August 1-22, 2013

Grebogi minicourse on complex systems
September 23-24, 2013

Rosly minicourse on twistor theory
October 8 – November 15, 2013

Redi minicourse on composite Higgs
October 23-25, 2013

Prize Competition

2013 Prêmio IFT-ICTP para Jovens Físicos
October 26, 2013

ICTP-SAIFR Visitors in 2013

Written by ICTP-SAIFR on December 23rd, 2011. Posted in

Long-Term Visitors in 2013

Visitor Home Institution Period of Visit Room Number Telephone
Brenno Carlini Vallilo Univ. Andres Bello, Santiago December 14-28 107 3393-7887
Diego Correa Instituto de Física La Plata December 12-21 112 3393-7846
Fidel Ivan Schaposnik Massolo Instituto de Física La Plata December 8-21 112 3393-7846
Cristina Masoller U. Politècnica Catalunya, Spain November 30 – December 7 109 3393-7853
Dan Gauthier Duke University November 30 – December 6 109 3393-7853
Thorten Ackemann Univ. of Strathclyde, Scotland November 24 – December 8 109 3393-7853
Sylvain Fichet IIP Natal November 15-29 107 3393-7887
Amit Sever Perimeter and IAS Princeton November 10-22 112 3393-7846
Mikhail Vasiliev Lebedev Institute, Moscow Nov. 4-9 / Nov. 12-16 109a 3393-7802
Soo-Jong Rey Seoul National Univ. November 3-17 107 3393-7887
Irene Balmes IFUSP November 1 – December 31 109 3393-7853
Jon Toledo Perimeter Institute October 27 – December 19 108 3393-7890
Benjamin Basso Perimeter Institute October 22 – December 7 112 3393-7846
Joao Caetano Perimeter Institute October 20 – December 19 108 3393-7890
Tianheng Wang Perimeter Institute October 31 – December 19 108 3393-7890
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute October 20 – December 19 102 3393-7882
Michele Redi INFN, Firenze Oct 20 – 25 / Oct 29 – Nov 2 109a 3393-7802
Grzegorz Kowal USP Sao Paulo October 7 – 18 109 3393-7853
Elisabete Dal Pino USP Sao Paulo October 7 – 18 109 3393-7853
Daniel Gomez Univ. de Buenos Aires October 6 – 19 109 3393-7853
Gary Steigman Ohio State Univ. October 1 – December 31 109 3393-7853
Marcelo Botta Cantcheff Univ. de La Plata September 30 – October 10 108 3393-7890
Kellog Stelle Imperial College London September 4-18 109 3393-7853
Fabio Iocco OKC, Stockholm Univ. July 23 – 29 102 3393-7882
Per Anders Sundell Univ. Andres Bello, Santiago July 21 – August 3 104 3393-7848
Lotfi Boubekeur Univ. de Valencia June 5 – 19 111 3393-7842
Andrei Starinets University of Oxford May 26 – June 7 109 3393-7802
Luiz Santos Perimeter Institute May 22 – June 1 106 3393-7834
Neelima Gupte Indian Inst. of Tech., Madras May 11- June 15 102 3393-7882
Muruganadam Paulsamy Bharathidasan Univ., India May 8 – July 1 102 3393-7882
Edward Corrigan University of York April 6 – 20 409 3393-7817
Mahdi Torabian University of Hamburg April 1 – May 30 104 3393-7848
Maryam Tavakoli Kashi University of Hamburg April 1 – May 30 104 3393-7848
Jean-Bernard Bru U. del País Vasco, Bilbao March 11 – 22 109 3393-7802
Mohab Abou Zeid ITP, Leibniz Univ. Hannover Feb. 25- March 29 111 3393-7842
Christina Cobbold University of Glasgow Jan. 20 – Feb. 2 109 3393-7802
Niclas Wyllard Univ. of Gotenborg Jan. 2- March 20 106 3393-7834

Short-Term Visitors in 2013

Visitor Home Institution Period of Visit
Jean-Bernard Bru U. del País Vasco, Bilbao December 9
Vanderlei Bagnato Univ. de São Paulo, Sao Carlos December 6-7
Mario Molina Universidad de Chile December 1-7
Alexander Gaeta Cornell University December 1-4
Michal Lipson Cornell University December 1-3
Sergei Turitsyn Aston University, UK November 24 – December 6
Cid de Araujo Universidade Federal de Pernambuco November 24-29
Marcel Clerc Universidad de Chile November 24-30
Miguel C. Soriano Universitat IIles Balear, Spain November 23-30
Yuri Kivshar Australia National University November 23-30
Jose Pacheco Univ. of Nice, France November 19
Carlos Mafra University of Cambridge November 7
Claudio Bunster CECs Valdivia November 5-7
Max Banados Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile November 5-7
Massimo Porrati New York Univ. November 4-10
Ricardo Troncoso CECs, Valdivia November 4-7
Jorge Zanelli CECs, Valdivia November 3-12
Alexander Zhiboedov Princeton Univ. November 4-7
Daniel Grumiller Vienna Univ. of Technology November 3-9
Rakibur Rahman Univ. of Bruxelles and Solvay Institutes November 3-10
Massimo Taronna Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik November 3-9
Jan Rosseel Vienna Univ. of Technology November 3-9
Dimitri Sorokin INFN, Padova November 3-9
Eric Bergshoeff Groningen Univ. November 3-8
Ergin Sezgin Texas A+M University November 3-8
Marc Henneaux Univ. of Bruxelles and Solvay Institutes November 3-7
Gaston Giribet Univ. of Buenos Aires & Conicet November 3-7
Alejandra Castro Harvard Univ. November 3-7
Andrea Campoleoni Univ. of Bruxelles and Solvay Institutes November 2-9
Matthias Gaberdiel ITP, ETH Zürich November 2-9
Glenn Barnich Univ. of Bruxelles and Solay Institutes November 2-9
Juan Jottar Univ. of Amsterdam November 2-8
Nicolas Boulanger Unive. de Mons November 2-8
Per Sundell UNAB, Santiago November 2-8
Irene Balmes Ecole Normale, Paris October 24 – 31
Axel Brandenburg Nordita, Stockholm October 15 – October 22
Pablo Dmitruk Univ. Buenos Aires October 13 – October 18
Matías Zaldarriaga IAS Princeton October 8 – October 11
Alejandro Raga UNAM, Mexico City October 6 – October 12
Alejandro Esquivel UNAM, Mexico City October 6 – October 10
Luis Felipe Rodriguez UNAM, Mexico City October 5 – October 12
Claudia Frugiuele Fermilab September 26 – October 3
Jorge Morfin Fermilab September 26
José Fontanari Univ. de São Paulo, Sao Carlos September 24-25
Camilo Rodriguez Neto USP Leste September 24
Fernando F. Fagundes USP Leste September 24
Roland Koberle USP São Carlos September 24
Iberé Caldas USP São Paulo September 24
Marcus Aguiar Unicamp September 24
Elbert Macau INPE, São Paulo September 23-24
Celso Grebogi University of Aberdeen September 21-25
Dmitry Melnikov IIP, UFRN Natal September 16-17
Brenno Vallilo Univ. Andres Bello, Santiago September 16-20
Jorge Zanelli CECS Valdivia September 8-10
Carmen Nunez Universidade de Buenos Aires and IAFE September 7-10
Juan Maldacena IAS Princeton September 7-9
Olivera Miskovic Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso September 6-10
Daniel Sudarsky UNAM, Mexico City September 5-10
Abhay Ashtekar IGC, Penn State September 5-10
Martin Reuter I. Physics, U. Mainz September 1-10
Erik Verlinde U. Amsterdam September 1-7
Alejandro Perez CPT, AMU Marseille September 1-7
John Schwarz California Institute of Technology August 31 – September 5
William Unruh Univ. of British Columbia August 30
Eliezer Rabinovici Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem August 20-22
Orfeu Bertolami Universidade do Porto August 16
Robert Brandenberger McGill Univ., Montreal August 13
Bum-Hoon Lee Sogang Univ., Seoul August 4-6
Jock McOrist Univ. of Surrey July 15
Kevin McCann Guelph Univ., Canada June 17 – 21
Tereza Mendes USP Sao Carlos May 27 – June 7
Aneesh Manohar University of California, San Diego May 27 – May 31
Kostas Sfetsos Univ. of Surrey May 27
Christopher Lee Los Alamos National Laboratory May 26 – June 1
Carlos Schat University of Buenos Aires May 26 – May 31
Thomas Cohen University of Maryland May 25 – June 1
Andreas Kronfeld Fermilab May 24 – June 6
Camille Bonvin University of Cambridge May 19 – 24
Peter Ouyang Purdue University May 12 – 15
Jorge Alfaro Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile April 23 – 27
Sebastian Guttenberg Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa April 22 – 28
Zackaria Chacko Maryland April 10 – 12
Marcela Carena Fermilab April 7 – 11
Alexander Belyaev Southampton April 6 – 12
Stefan Zohren PUC, Rio de Janeiro April 4 – 5
Joseph Lykken Fermilab April 3 – 10
Chris Quigg Fermilab April 1 – 5
Daniel de Florian University of Buenos Aires April 1 – 3
Aldo Deandrea Lyon April 1 – 12
Giacomo Cacciapaglia Lyon April 1 – 12
Michael Berry Univ. of Bristol March 25 – 27
Joe Zuntz Oxford University March 3-5
Gary Steigman Ohio State Feb. 27, March 8
Robbert Dijkgraaf IAS Princeton Feb. 22
Giovanni Vasconcelos UFPE Feb. 21-23
Bjoern Penning Fermilab Feb. 21
Marcela Carena Fermilab Feb. 17-21
Jacob Palis IMPA Feb. 18
Matias Zaldarriaga IAS Princeton Feb. 18-19
Alberto Palomo-Losano Univ. Austral, Valdivia February 18-22
Fernando Quevedo ICTP Trieste Feb. 17-20
Juan Maldacena IAS Princeton Feb. 17-18
Daniel Sudarsky UNAM, Mexico City Feb. 15-20
Seif Randjbar-Daemi ICTP Trieste Feb. 15-21
Peter Goddard IAS Princeton Feb. 15-19
Luca Amendola University of Heidelberg February 8
Márcio Cardoso U. F. Rio Grande do Norte Jan. 28 – Feb. 2
Claudia Pio Ferreira UNESP Botucatu Jan. 28 – Feb. 2
Gabriela Gomes Instituto Gulbenkian, Portugal Jan. 27 – Feb. 2
Cristina Banks-Leite Imperial College, London Jan. 27 – Feb. 2
Ana Bento Imperial College, London Jan. 27 – Feb. 2
Robert Wald University of Chicago January 24-27
Stefanella Boatto UFRJ Jan. 21 – 28