New Permanent Research Professor Positions at IFT-UNESP/ICTP-SAIFR

From September 30 – November 29, 2024, applications are open for joint permanent research professor positions at IFT-UNESP/ICTP-SAIFR in all areas related to theoretical physics and its applications.

IFT-UNESP (Instituto de Física Teórica) is located in downtown São Paulo and is one of Brazil’s oldest and most prestigious physics institutes, with a long tradition in research in various areas of Theoretical Physics. Its graduate program attracts top students from across South America and has consistently received the highest rating in the CAPES evaluation which assesses all Brazilian graduate programs.

ICTP-SAIFR is a South American center for theoretical physics created in 2011 as the first partner institute of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Italy. It is located at the IFT-UNESP campus and, through generous public and private financing, organizes dozens of international schools and workshops every year with a large number of postdocs and visitors.

In addition to performing research and organizing activities, the new professors will supervise Master’s and PhD students of IFT-UNESP and teach one semester of a graduate physics course every year.

The university starting salary is $12,399 Brazilian reais per month and, depending on the qualifications of the researcher, this university salary can be up to doubled through donations from the Simons Foundation and other private sources to Friends of SAIFR. Additional grants are available from state and national funding agencies, and the professor can use ICTP-SAIFR funds for graduate students, postdocs and visitors, as well as participate in ICTP-SAIFR exchange agreements with the ICTP Trieste, Perimeter, Princeton-CUNY, KITP, Mainz, CERN, Fermilab, Saclay, Nordita, IFISC and IFT-Madrid.

Although applications are accepted from September 30 – November 29 through the university webpage , all candidates are strongly encouraged to write as soon as possible to to receive application instructions and to ask any questions. Some unusual documents (such as undergraduate diploma) may be required for the official application, so it is important to obtain the required documents as soon as possible. The official sites for the new positions are here and here.