Program on Quantum Many-Body Dynamics: Thermalization and its Violations
September 8 – 19, 2025
ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil
Venue: Principia Institute
How isolated quantum systems thermalize and reach equilibrium constitutes a long-standing question, dating back to the early days of quantum mechanics. During the last 20 years, the celebrated Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis has shed light on the mechanism of thermalization, and its predictions have been massively tested, at the theoretical, numerical, and experimental level. Simultaneously, huge efforts have been devoted to find robust mechanisms that quantum systems can exploit to escape thermalization and retain information in their local degrees of freedom. With the advent of the second quantum revolution and quantum technologies, these mechanisms are of uttermost importance, since they can be used to build quantum memory devices. At the same time, recent quantum simulators allow the study of these phenomena at the experimental level, with high precision and in almost perfect isolation.
This program will bring together international experts on these topics, to provide an overview of the most recent results and techniques, spanning the theoretical, computational, and experimental aspects. A lightweight talk schedule will create the perfect atmosphere for discussions and will foster new collaborations among participants. In parallel, there will be pedagogical activities specifically tailored to young scientists, to offer them the possibility of including these developments in their research horizons.
- Eduardo Miranda (Unicamp, Brazil)
- Zlatko Papic (University of Leeds. England)
- Dario Rosa (ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-UNESP, Brazil)
- Lev Vidmar (Jozef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Click HERE for online registration
Registration deadline: July 19, 2025
Invited Speakers
Invited speakers
First Week
- Ceren Dag (Harvard University, USA)
- Anatoli Polkovnikov (Boston University, USA)
- Tobias Micklitz (CBPF, Brazil)
- Marcos Rigol (Penn State University, USA)
- Thomas Iadecola (Iowa State University, USA)
- Natalia Chepiga (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
- Pedram Roushan (Google, USA)
- Antonello Scardicchio (ICTP, Italy) TBC
- Dries Sels (New York University, USA)
- David Logan (Oxford, England)
- Ivan Khaymovich (Nordita, Sweden)
- Soumya Bera (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India)
- Yevgeny Bar Lev (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
- Jean-Yves Desaules (Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Austria)
- Piotr Sierant (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain)
Second Week
- Lea Santos (University of Connecticut, USA)
- Peter Claeys (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Germany)
- Nicolas Regnault (Ecole Normale Superieure Paris, France)
- Thomas Iadecola (Iowa State University, USA)
- Natalia Chepiga (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands) TBC
- Antonello Scardicchio (ICTP, Italy)
- Dries Sels (New York University, USA)
- David Logan (Oxford, England)
- Ivan Khaymovich (Nordita, Sweden)
- Piotr Sierant (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain)
- Soumya Bera (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India)
- Fabian Heidrich-Meisner (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany)
- Yevgeny Bar Lev (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
- David Weiss (Penn State University, USA) TBC
- Ulrich Schneider (Cambridge, England)
- Sona Najafi (IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA)
- Jean-Yves Desaules (Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Austria)
Additional Information
Attention! Some participants in ICTP-SAIFR activities have received email from fake travel agencies asking for credit card information. All communication with participants will be made by ICTP-SAIFR staff using an e-mail “”. We will not send any mailings about accommodation that require a credit card number or any sort of deposit. Also, if you are staying at Hotel Intercity the Universe Paulista, please confirm with the Uber/Taxi driver that the hotel is located at Rua Pamplona 83 in Bela Vista (and not in Jardim Etelvina).
BOARDING PASS: All participants, whose travel has been provided or will be reimbursed by ICTP-SAIFR, should bring the boarding pass upon registration. The return boarding pass (PDF, if online check-in, scan or picture, if physical) should be sent to by e-mail.
Visa information: Nationals from several countries in Latin America and Europe are exempt from tourist visa. Nationals from Australia, Canada and USA are exempt from tourist visa until April 10, 2025, but it is unclear if the exemption will be extended after this date.
Accommodation: Participants, whose accommodation will be provided by the institute, will stay at Hotel Intercity the Universe Paulista. Hotel recommendations are available here.
Poster presentation: Participants who are presenting a poster MUST BRING A PRINTED BANNER . The banner size should be at most 1 m (width) x 1,5 m (length). We do not accept A4 or A3 paper.