Workshop on Strong Electron Correlations in Quantum Materials: Inhomogeneities, Frustration, and Topology

June 19-23, 2023
São Paulo, Brazil
The last decades have seen much progress in Condensed Matter Physics. On one hand, there were experimental discoveries of several novel materials displaying exotic behavior, such as unconventional superconductivity, fractional statistics, and topologically nontrivial phases. On the other hand, there was tremendous progress in engineering artificial systems like optical lattices, Rydberg atoms, and Floquet systems, establishing the field of Quantum Simulators. Besides being a proxy to interesting Condensed Matter systems, the Quantum Simulators also have access to the dynamics of the system, bringing exciting new possibilities and challenges to study many-body systems with an unprecedented degree of control. Overall, many of the most interesting properties arise from strong interactions between their constituents, with growing evidence of the key role played by inhomogeneities, frustration, and topological aspects of the matter.
In this workshop, we bring together experts working in this challenging and rapidly evolving field of Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems, to present their experimental and theoretical progress. This will allow for a vigorous exchange of ideas and hopefully stimulate exciting new collaborations between the participants.
Topics of the workshop include:
1. In and out of equilibrium disordered metals and insulators
2. Frustrated magnets, spin liquids, and topological insulators
3. Correlated and topological superconductors
This activity is a natural continuation of a workshop organized in 2018. Last but not least, the event also celebrates Prof. Eduardo Miranda’s 60th Birthday, honoring his contributions to the field and to the Brazilian Physics community.
There is no registration fee.
Eric Andrade (IF-USP, Brazil)
- José Hoyos (IFSC-USP, Brazil)
- Victor Quito (Iowa State University and Ames National Lab, USA)
List of Participants: Updated on June 27, 2023
Satisfaction Survey: Click HERE
Gabriel Aeppli (ETH Zürich, EPF Lausanne and Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland): Mapping artificial and natural intelligence
- Carol Aguiar (UFMG, Brazil): Quench dynamics of the Kondo effect
- Amir Caldeira (UNICAMP, Brazil): Effective momentum-momentum coupling in a correlated electronic system: the diamagnetism of benzene.
- Vanuildo S. Carvalho (UFG, Brazil): Multipolar spin liquid in an exactly solvable model for J = 3/2 moments
- Claudio Chamon (Boston University, USA): Designing Topological Quantum Matter
- Wei Chen (PUC-Rio, Brazil): Unification of topological invariants and topological markers
- Mucio Continentino (CBPF, Brazil): Hybridization induced superconductivity in non-interacting chains
- Natanael Costa (UFRJ, Brazil): The effects of randomness to charge-ordered systems
- Luis Gregório Dias (USP, Brazil): Emergent parafermionic zero modes in fermionic systems
- Vlad Dobrosavljević (NHMFL & FSU, USA): Disorder-dominated quantum criticality in moiré bilayers
- Rafael Fernandes (University of Minnesota, USA): Inhomogeneous time-reversal symmetry-breaking in the superconducting state of Sr2RuO4
- Rebecca Flint (lowa State University and Ames National Laboratory, USA): Mobile Majorana Zero Modes in two-channel Kondo lattices
- Rafael S. Freitas (USP, Brazil): Structural disorder and magnetic properties of geometrically frustrated magnets
- Elena Gati (Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Germany): Strain tuning of correlated (frustrated) magnets
- Wei Ku (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China): Robustness of geometric frustration-induced localization and realization of homogeneous quantum Bose metal
- Caio Lewenkopf (UFF, Brazil): Topological phase transitions in strongly disordered and amorphous systems
- Tobias Micklitz (CBPF, Brazil): Observation of Topological Quantum Criticality
- Eduardo Miranda (UNICAMP, Brazil): The domain wall between a Mott insulator and a metal is an anomalous metal
- Rajesh Narayanan (IIT-Madras, India): A Cloaked Griffiths phase in a low dimensional superconductor
- Willian Natori (Institute Laue Langevin, France): An exact chiral amorphous spin liquid
- Eduardo Novais (Universidade Federal do ABC): Spectrum of Entanglement as a Dimensional Reduction Tool for studying Topological Insulators
- Thereza Paiva (UFRJ, Brazil): Effects of lattice geometry on thermopower properties of the repulsive Hubbard model
- Rodrigo Pereira (IIP & UFRN, Brazil): Boundary modes in fracton models
- Dragana Popovic (NHMFL & FSU, USA): Nonequilibrium transport and thermalization in strongly disordered 2D electron systems
- Victor Quito (Iowa State University and Ames National Lab, USA): Unique signatures of electronic nematic liquids via nonlinear spectroscopy
- Srinivas Raghu (Stanford, USA): New insights on the quantum Hall transition problem
- Daniel Reyes (Instituto Militar de Engenharia, Brazil): Incommensurate charge density wave on multiband intermetallic systems
- Judit Romhanyi (UC Irvine, USA): Band-topology of triplet excitations
- Raimundo Rocha dos Santos (UFRJ, Brazil): Phase diagram for the extended Hubbard model on a square lattice
- Hana Schiff (UC Irvine, USA): Spin groups for weak spin-orbit coupling materials
- Eduardo Silva-Neto (Yale, USA): Broken Symmetry States and Mysterious Superconductivity in Tetragonal Fe(Se,S)
- Y. Soh (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland): Flat band and Weyl physics in ferromagnetic kagome lattices
- Matheus Sousa (PUC-RJ, Brazil): Seeing topological charges by naked eyes
- Thaís Victa Trevisan (UC Berkeley, USA): Nonlinear Hall effect induced by a quantum metric dipole in antiferromagnetic heterostructures
- Oskar Vafek (NHMFL & FSU, USA): Interacting Hofstadter spectrum of twisted bilayer graphene
- Matthias Vojta (TU-Dresden, Germany): Emergence of mesoscale quantum phase transitions in a ferromagnet
- Thomas Vojta (Missouri S&T, USA): Controlling the stripe order in a diluted frustrated magnet
Session 1 – Wednesday, June 21th at 15:40
- Patrícia de Assis Almeida (Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil): Quantum impurity with 2/3 local moment in 1D quantum wires: an NRG study
- João Victor Ferreira Alves (IFUSP, Brazil): Indirect Exchange Interaction in Topological Semimetals
- Maykon Vinicius Monteiro de Araujo (Federal University of Piauí, Brazil): The Hubbard Model on Anisotropic Triangular Lattice
- Lauro Barreto Braz (Instituto de Física de São Paulo, Brazil): Interplay of Charge and Spin Fluctuations for the onset of Superconductivity in Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene
- Moallison Ferreira Cavalcante (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil): Raman Response of the Charge Density Wave in Cuprate Superconductors
- Willdauany Cristina (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, Brazil): Entanglement and quantum phase transitions: geometrical aspects in strongly correlated systems
- Gabriel Capelo Domingues (Universidade de São Paulo – Inistituto de Física de São Carlos, Brazil): Magnetization processes in frustrated magnets
- Wiliam da Silva Oliveira (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro): PROPERTIES OF THE ATTRACTIVE HUBBARD MODEL IN OPTICAL LATTICES.
- Joao Armando Sandron Galdino (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil): Quantum phase transitions on aperiodic Potts chains
- Washington F. dos Santos (IFT-UNESP, Brazil): Simulations of single-electron transistors based on carbon nanotube-graphene nanoribbon junctions
- Alan Costa dos Santos (UFSCAR, Brazil): Generation of Maximally Entangled Long-Lived States with Giant Atoms in a Waveguide
Session 2 – Thursday, June 22th at 15:50
- Marco Antônio Habitzreuter (Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil): Water-like density anomaly in the extended Hubbard model
- Diana Heredia (Universidad De Investigación De Tecnología Experimental Yachay, Ecuador): Carbon nanotube synthesis and decoration with magnetite nanoparticles
- Vishnu Pulloor Kuttanikkad (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India): Analysis of Critical Behaviour and Amplitude Modes near the Superfluid Transition in an Amorphous Lattice
- David Fernando Porlles López (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil): Quantum geometry of singlet superconductors
- Lucas Oliveira (PUC-RJ, Brazil): Entanglement in the Frustrated Heisenberg Model
- Fabrizio Oliviero (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte): Network construction of gapless chiral spin liquid
- Luan de Souza Silva (Universidade de São Paulo): Time evolution of time-dependent Green’s functions in quantum systems with neural networks
- Matthew Stern (University of California, Irvine): Band-topology of triplon modes and nontrivial surface states in KCuCl3
- Victor Velasco (Instituto de Física – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro): The role of networks of oxygen puddles in cuprates: rise and fall of superconductivity
- Mario Malcolms (Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany): The role of non-local correlations in the half-filled triangular lattice Hubbard model
- Moallison Ferreira Cavalcante (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil): Quench dynamics of the Kondo effect: transport across an impurity coupled to interacting wires
School Program: PDF updated on June 19, 2023
Videos and Files
- 09:00 - Caio Lewenkopf (UFF , Brazil): Topological phase transitions in strongly disordered and amorphous systems
- 09:40 - Thaís Victa Trevisan (UC Berkeley, USA): Nonlinear Hall effect induced by a quantum metric dipole in antiferromagnetic heterostructures
- 10:20 - Matheus Sousa (PUC-RJ, Brazil): Seeing topological charges by naked eyes
11:00 - Y. Soh (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland):
Flat band and Weyl physics in ferromagnetic kagome lattices
- 11:40 - Wei Chen (PUC-Rio, Brazil): Unification of topological invariants and topological markers
- 14:10 - Thomas Vojta (Missouri S&T, USA): Controlling the stripe order in a diluted frustrated magnet
- 14:50 - Rajesh Narayanan (IIT-Madras, India): A Cloaked Griffiths phase in a low dimensional superconductor
- 15:50 - Rafael S. Freitas (USP , Brazil): Structural disorder and magnetic properties of geometrically frustrated magnets
- 16:30 - Willian Natori (Institute Laue Langevin, France): An exact chiral amorphous spin liquid
- 09:00 - Thereza Paiva (UFRJ, Brazil): Effects of lattice geometry on thermopower properties of the repulsive Hubbard model
- 09:40 - Raimundo Rocha dos Santos (UFRJ, Brazil): Phase diagram for the extended Hubbard model on a square lattice
- 10:20 - Daniel Reyes (Instituto Militar de Engenharia, Brazil): Incommensurate charge density wave on multiband intermetallic systems
- 14:10 - Matthias Vojta (TU-Dresden, Germany): Emergence of mesoscale quantum phase transitions in a ferromagnet
- 14:50 - Wei Ku (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China): Robustness of geometric frustration-induced localization and realization of homogeneous quantum Bose metal
- 15:50 - Oskar Vafek (NHMFL & FSU, USA): Interacting Hofstadter spectrum of twisted bilayer graphene
09:00 - Vlad Dobrosavljević (NHMFL & FSU, USA):
Disorder-dominated quantum criticality in moiré bilayers
- 09:40 - Carol Aguiar (UFMG , Brazil): Quench dynamics of the Kondo effect
10:40 - Victor Quito (Iowa State University and Ames National Lab, USA):
Unique signatures of electronic nematic liquids via nonlinear spectroscopy
- 11:40 - Amir Caldeira (UNICAMP, Brazil): Effective momentum-momentum coupling in a correlated electronic system: the diamagnetism of benzene.
- 14:00 - Gabriel Aeppli (ETH Zürich, EPF Lausanne and Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland): Mapping artificial and natural intelligence
- 08:00 - Program at: (ICTP - SAIFR): Workshop on Strong Electron Correlations in Quantum Materials: Inhomogeneities, Frustration, and Topology
09:00 - Eduardo Miranda (UNICAMP, Brazil):
The domain wall between a Mott insulator and a metal is an anomalous metal
09:40 - Srinivas Raghu (Stanford University, USA):
New insights on the quantum Hall transition problem
10:20 - Natanael Costa (UFRJ, Brazil):
Natanael Costa (UFRJ, Brazil): TBA
- 11:00 - Dragana Popovic (NHMFL & FSU, USA): (NHMFL & FSU, USA): Nonequilibrium transport and thermalization in strongly disordered 2D electron systems
- 11:40 - Tobias Micklitz (CBPF, Brazil): Tobias Micklitz (CBPF, Brazil): Observation of Topological Quantum Criticality
- 14:10 - Claudio Chamon (Boston University, USA): Designing Topological Quantum Matter
- 14:50 - Rodrigo Pereira (IIP & UFRN, Brazil): Rodrigo Pereira (IIP & UFRN, Brazil): Boundary modes in fracton models
09:00 - Rebecca Flint (lowa State University and Ames National Laboratory, USA):
Mobile Majorana Zero Modes in two-channel Kondo lattices
09:40 - Judit Romhanyi (UC Irvine, USA):
Band-topology of triplet excitations
10:20 - Hana Schiff (UC Irvine, USA):
Spin groups for weak spin-orbit coupling materials
11:40 - Mucio Continentino (CBPF, Brazil):
Hybridization induced superconductivity in non-interacting chains
14:10 - Eduardo Novais (Universidade Federal do ABC):
Spectrum of Entanglement as a Dimensional Reduction Tool for studying Topological Insulators
15:10 - Luis Gregório Dias (USP, Brazil):
Emergent parafermionic zero modes in fermionic systems
15:50 - Vanuildo S. Carvalho (UFG, Brazil):
Multipolar spin liquid in an exactly solvable model for J = 3/2 moments
Additional Information
Workshop Registration: ALL participants should register. The registration will be on June 19 (Monday) at the Institute from 08:00 am to 09:00 am.
BOARDING PASS: All participants, whose travel has been provided or will be reimbursed by ICTP-SAIFR, should bring the boarding pass upon registration. The return boarding pass (PDF, if online check-in, scan or picture, if physical) should be sent to by e-mail.
Visa information: Nationals from several countries in Latin America and Europe are exempt from tourist visa. Nationals from Australia, Canada, Japan and USA are exempt from tourist visa until October 1st, 2023. Please check here which nationals need a tourist visa to enter Brazil.
COVID-19: Brazilians and foreigners do neither have to present proof of vaccination, nor a medical certificatewith a negative test result before entering the country.
Poster presentation: Participants who are presenting a poster MUST BRING A BANNER PRINTED. The banner size should be at most: 1,5m x 1m. We do not accept A4 or A3 paper. Click here to see what a banner looks like: Due to the number of posters, there will be two sessions. Please, check the website ( ) to see your slot.
Accommodation: Participants, whose accommodation will be provided by the institute, will stay at The Universe Flat. Hotel recommendations are available here
How to reach the Institute: The school will be held at ICTP South American Institute, located at IFT-UNESP, which is across the street from a major bus and subway terminal (Terminal Barra Funda). The address which is closer to the entrance of the IFT-UNESP building is R. Jornalista Aloysio Biondi, 120 – Barra Funda, São Paulo. The easiest way to reach us is by subway or bus, please find instructions here.