School on Critical Stability of Few-Body Quantum Systems
October 4-8, 2021 (by videoconference)
Zoom ID: 875 0604 3945
Password: fewbody
Zoom protocol: click HERE
Please send an e-mail to thiago AT, if you have any access problem.
ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil
The lectures in the school will introduce basic few-body techniques understandable for advanced master’s students.
Topics to be covered include:
- Few-body techniques using coordinate space for bound and continuum states
- Few-body techniques using momentum space for bound and continuum states
- Universality in few-body systems
- One- and two-dimensional systems
There is no registration fee. There will be a miniworkshop during the school in which selected participants will present short talks. Applicants who would like to give a short talk should submit a title and abstract before the application deadline.
Satisfaction survey:
- click HERE
Doerte Blume (Center for Quantum Research and Technology Homer L. Dodge, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Oklahoma, USA)
- Lecture 1: 1D fermions: statics and dynamics
- Lecture 2: Dynamics of the helium dimer dynamics: universal and non-universal features
- Lecture 3: Efimov scenario in the presence of spin-orbit coupling
- Lecture 4: Dynamics of two-level emitter(s) coupled to bath
Alejandro Kievsky (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare-Pisa, Italy)
- Lecture 1: The two-body problem at low energies. Scattering length, effective range and shallow bound (or virtual) states.
- Lecture 2: The two-nucleon problem, bound and scattering states. The proton-proton case.
- Lecture 3: The variational principle for scattering. Integral relations.
- Lecture 4: The Hyperspherical Harmonics, general properties and applications to few-body systems.
Pascal Naidon (RIKEN – Nishina Centre, Japan): Efimov physics and universality in few-body systems.
- Lecture 1: Zero-range universality in two-body systems (Low-energy resonance, scattering length, zero-range theory, Feshbach resonances)
- Lecture 2: Zero-range universality in three-body system Skorniakov–Ter-Martirosian equation, the Efimov effec
- Lecture 3: Universal clusters
- Lecture 4: van der Waals universality
- Tobias Frederico (ITA, Brazil)
- Hans Otto Uldall Fynbo (Aarhus University, Denmark)
- Alejandro Kipevsky (INFN-Pisa, Italy)
- Jean-Marc Richard (University of Lyon, France)
- Marcelo Takeshi Yamashita (IFT-UNESP, Brazil)
Videos and Files
- 09:00 - Pascal Naidon (RIKEN – Nishina Centre, Japan): Zero-range universality in two-body systems (Low-energy resonance, scattering length, zero-range theory, Feshbach resonances)
- 13:00 - Alejandro Kievsky (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare-Pisa, Italy): The two-body problem at low energies. Scattering length, effective range and shallow bound (or virtual) states.
- 15:00 - Doerte Blume (Center for Quantum Research and Technology Homer L. Dodge, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Oklahoma, USA): 1D fermions: statics and dynamics
- 09:00 - Pascal Naidon (RIKEN – Nishina Centre, Japan): Zero-range universality in three-body systems (Skorniakov--Ter-Martirosian equation, the Efimov effect)
- 13:00 - Alejandro Kievsky (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare-Pisa, Italy): The two-nucleon problem, bound and scattering states. The proton-proton case.
- 15:00 - Doerte Blume (Center for Quantum Research and Technology Homer L. Dodge, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Oklahoma, USA): Dynamics of the helium dimer dynamics: universal and non-universal features
09:00 - Hans Otto Uldall Fynbo (Aarhus University, Denmark):
Seminars: Studies of 3-alpha systems using decay and reaction experiments
10:00 - Kamyar Mohseni (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronautica, Brazil):
Seminars: Three-boson stability for boosted interactions towards the zero-range limit
10:30 - Samir Das (University of Hyderabad, India):
Seminars: Particle scattering by harmonically trapped quantum gases in an artificial magnetic field
11:00 - Rodrigo Alves Dias (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brazil):
Seminars: Google TensorFlow in Wave Packets Time Evolutions
- 13:00 - Jean-Marc Richard (University of Lyon, France): Seminars: Double charm tetraquarks and other multiquarks in potential models
14:00 - Roy Yaron (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel):
Seminars: Optimizing SVM For Systems With Periodic Boundary Conditions
15:30 - Eloisa Cuestas (National University of Córdoba, Argentina):
Seminars: Strongly bound fermion pairs on a ring: a composite-boson approach
16:00 - Derick dos Santos Rosa (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronautica, Brazil):
Seminars: Dimensional Aspects of the Efimov Effect
- 09:00 - Pascal Naidon (RIKEN – Nishina Centre, Japan): Universal clusters
- 13:00 - Alejandro Kievsky (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare-Pisa, Italy): The variational principle for scattering. Integral relations.
- 15:00 - Doerte Blume (Center for Quantum Research and Technology Homer L. Dodge, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Oklahoma, USA): Efimov scenario in the presence of spin-orbit coupling
- 09:00 - Pascal Naidon (RIKEN – Nishina Centre, Japan): van der Waals universality
- 13:00 - Alejandro Kievsky (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare-Pisa, Italy): The Hyperspherical Harmonics, general properties and applications to few-body systems.
- 15:00 - Doerte Blume (Center for Quantum Research and Technology Homer L. Dodge, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Oklahoma, USA): Dynamics of two-level emitter(s) coupled to bath