Workshop on Particle Physics at the Dawn of the LHC13



Start time: November 30, 2015

Ends on: December 4, 2015

Location: São Paulo, Brazil



Eduardo Pontón (ICTP-SAIFR & IFT-UNESP, Brazil)
Mariano Quirós (IFAE-Barcelona, Spain)
Rogerio Rosenfeld (IFT-UNESP, Brazil)


* to be confirmed

Alexander Belyaev (U. of Southampton, UK)
Karim Benakli (Jussieu – Paris, France)
Giacomo Cacciapaglia (U. de Lyon, France) *
J. Alberto Casas (IFT-UAM/CSIC – Madrid, Spain)
Roberto Contino (CERN, Switzerland) *
Aldo Deandrea (U. de Lyo, France) *
Antonio Delgado (U. of Notre Dame, USA)
Emilian Dudas (Ecole Polytechnique, France)
Jose Ramón Espinosa (IFAE-Barcelona, Spain)
Adam Falkowski (Orsay, France)
Elisabetta Furlan (Fermilab, USA) *
Tony Gherghetta (U. of Minnesotta, USA)
Christophe Grojean (DESY, Germany) *
Germano Nardini (IFAE-Barcelona, Spain)
Stefan Pokorski (U. of Warsaw, Poland)
Michele Redi (U. of Florence, Italy)
Aurore Savoy Navarro (Saclay, France)
Carlos Savoy (Saclay, France)

The online registration form will be available soon.